
Yes, transitioning from 3D upwards is most definitely causing a lot of commotion in our Earthly existance. It is incredibly challenging to witness, and to remain focused on what truly matters. It is also to be expected that in order to change our ways, we must change our ways, and all the shit we have hidden from ourselves is coming to the surface and brought to light, so we too can clean it up. Meditation is no luxury these days. It seems to be the only way to get through it. To remember who we are and why we signed on for this. I imagine we ALL signed on eagerly for this!!! This is the most exciting time to be alive and give what we can best offer this situation. Even though that may now at times be impossible to remember. And meditation, I reckon, is an effortless, natural state of being once we have made it through the completion of the great transition.

We are the people. We are the government. We are the corporations. We are the NYPD. We are the bankers. We are Occupy Wallstreet. We are Occupy LA, Chicago, San Francisco, and growing. We are a Nation of Change. We are the ones. Our collective thoughts create our reality. It is that simple. We are here to love each other, no matter what.
I never seize to be surprised to learn how deep the gentle power of compassionate love without conditions can penetrate. It is the only energy known anywhere to disarm and open dialogue, and to provide healing on every level. I have known this as long as I can remember, and the Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing modality has deepened and heightened the experience in ways I cannot even put into words. What I can say is that I am infinitely grateful to have Shamballa, and each of you in my daily life.

Incorporating Truth

Loving this new voice among MD’s who recognize the flaws in allopathic medicine. Dr. Suzanne Humphries: “At first, when a foreign truth would appear in front of me, I would try to incorporate it. But it was just a philosophy that I liked, rather than a truth that could live inside of me. I think many people get stuck at this place; liking a philosophy of holistic health but finding it impractical or difficult in practice. Without incorporating the truth into their psyche, they run back to pharma when the going gets tough.

I needed some examples of people who were aging without drugs, getting infected and not taking antibiotics, and remaining healthy into their sixth to ninth decades. Once I looked for them, they appeared. Most of them are homeopaths and one is a shamanic practitioner. All of them exercise, eat whole and organic foods, and take impeccable care of themselves. All of them were once seated in the allopathic paradigm, and all of them got out. It is always a good idea to get advice from people who have been where you are and who have what you want. Once I found this living proof, I had all the evidence I needed to shift my old belief system. It became much easier to feel the possibility that I didn’t have to travel the hopeless trail to 12 or 22 medications per day like many of my kidney patients. The new philosophy blended easily with the real life pictures of health that I saw in others whom I could look toward for encouragement.”

Quan Yin

Quan-Yin (or Kuan Yin)’s magnificent divine presence may manifest itself within us first by heat, often red sparks may or may not be noticed, and a heaviness may come upon you as she sheds her tears through you, for the suffering all of humanity has endured throughout the ages. As the silent tears keep flowing, notice the depths of her compassionate Love – ever so subtle but vast – gently permeating every part of you, settle within you, grounding you. Call upon her anytime for protection, and for a restful and rejuvenating sleep.

A New World is being Co-created Right Now

A huge movement is happening, triggered by an oppressive stronghold by the establishment who is holding on past its own expiration date. I am watching Occupy Wallstreet unfold in wonder and excitement.  Who is Occupy Wall Street?

“Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.”
The momentum is building, and even in the face of some awful police brutality, the organizers continue to regroup in their commitment to peaceful and co-creative ways to run this event. Even though the media is largely ignoring this most important movement, it is here to continue and grow as San Francisco is following suit, and the occupation of Washington DC’s Freedom Plaza is being organized.

I’ve been participating in ongoing discussions on Facebook and am in support of the organizers of the leaderless resistance group vision of peaceful protests. Those of you who are angry, I want to say to you: welcome. Be part of this great uprising. Put your anger to work constructively. The establishment clique is not the enemy if you consider that the oppressors are playing their part – because we let them! – until the oppressed are triggered enough to stand up and do something about it. We are not powerless, nor are we victims now that we  finally stand together in unity. Drop the old stigmas put in place by oppressors to obscure the illusion of separation. Black, white trash, latinos, Left, Right, and whatever other non-sense label: drop it now. We have an African American president albeit perhaps with a proverbial gun to his head, trained by the establishment (all of us are consciously or not, actively or passively, part of this establishment), but still, I thought we had already moved beyond this labeling business by having a most colorful First Family in the White House!

We are one diverse, awakening humanity. And when we are awake, we are powerful, since the only true power is rooted in Love. Love unites us. Love who you are, and stand united in this Love as we co-create a new world in which we can feed each other. It is up to us what we feed each other, and how. There is more then enough to go around. Last night it was confirmed that donations flooding in even from Madrid and Amsterdam have already exceeded $10,000 (!!!) to provide food for the brave souls representing the majority of citizens around the world.

Look at the ones who dominate the establishment as most annoying and out of control teachers. It is their turn now to remember that a great teacher is an eternal student, and if he/she wants to live in this new world we are co-creating now, it’s time to learn new skills. Let everyone do it in their own way. Some with humor, and some in silence. It’s all great!

I am so very grateful to all of you, spending countless hours to do your part in turning the tide. You have my unconditional Love and support. Sending rays of Love to all participants, to the NYPD, and all involved, so that they will remember their people skills (and beyond that, who they are and who they are working for).

Holding space for the spirit of Love, peace and unity consciousness 😀


Andrea Bocelli – Notes on an unforgettable night

Continued from: Andrea Bocelli – A touch of magic in Central Park

A perplexing element was the number of police officers and security guards present at the event. The great lawn was divided into sections by metal barred fences, as if people were expected to cause a stampede. My friend and I were fortunate enough to make it to the second box (at least that’s what it felt like: being boxed in) with not a chance to cross what the cops called the “fire lane” between the division.

In order to get as far forward as we could go, I carefully treaded the terrain, avoiding hands and feet of people sitting on blankets or pillows on the ground. I once stepped on a white towel to avoid another hand, and got yelled at for perpetrating upon his real estate. Oh my. And that was just a mild thing compared to what we were about to witness.

There still was plenty of room up front in section two, and so my friend and I and some others made our way over there. A husband and wife had set up shop there, royally, each of them stretched out on a blanket, while the rest of the crowd was sitting on a pillow or folded blanket that did not take any more room then a pillow. The Mrs. thought it necessary to grab an extra piece of textile, and spread it next to her husband as to claim and secure extra personal property. How very protective of her. Some of us just require more room then others, apparently. It didn’t prevent a verbal altercation between the Mr. and another lady who had arrived on the scene and was looking for a place to sit. Some of us couldn’t help but wonder why anyone requiring extra space would show up at a free concert expecting prime real estate.

A lovely lady next to me started laughing out loud, watching the scene unfold. “Don’t you just love this country,” she quipped at me. “I am happy to be here listening to Andrea Bocelli sing!” I replied, “I am not about to let anyone ruin it.” “Oh, I’m quite entertained” the lady assured me, “and I’m so grateful to be here. I’m just here on business and only found out today about this concert. So I made it my mission to be here and here I am!” I was so grateful to be in great company, flanked by this person and my friend.

A cop had to come and hush the situation. He did have people skills I was happy to notice, and expressed a willingness to listen to one person at a time. Most people just wanted this couple who was dumbfounded by the hostile treatment of the couple behind them to just find a place to sit. Finally, they did, and we had somewhat of a view, obstructed by the metal barred fence and a few cops who were now using their cell phones to take pictures of each other with the stage as backdrop.

Eventually they too moved on and lo and behold we were able to discern a white speck in the distance, gently swaying about. That had to be Andrea Bocelli, whose voice I heard, whose presence was felt, and whose appearance was displayed on the giant screens around us. I checked between my thumb and index finger, it was about nine milimeters, a little over a quarter of an inch. It didn’t matter. It was still beautiful. Celine Dion came to show off her big voice for one duet with Andrea. I loved the harmonies that occurred when Chris Botti worked his magic with the trumpet as a perfect compliment to Bocelli’s multi-faceted voice. That’s what I was there for. To let the notes penetrate my heart and soul and be one with it.

My friend suggested we started moving as the concert was coming to an end. Magically one of the fences had opened, and we now had access not only to the fire lane, but also to box one! An opportunity to get closer. We went for it, moving as far forward as we could, which was quite far considering that box was not nearly as filled as the one we were in previously. Yes, it was undoubtedly Andrea Bocelli fronting the stage. We could now recognize his features. My friend and I both saw an available spot for the two of us to sit down, and on our way there a security officer literally pushed my friend: “Go back!” “Don’t you dare touch me again, boy!” my friend snarled back at him. He backed off. We decided to go off to the side and keep standing along with others who made their way in from box two.

A lady was about to make a picture with her cell phone when another security guard started barking: “Go back, you are too close!” as if she would in any way cause damage or an interference. Still feeling the love, couldn’t help it (Chris Botti and Andrea Bocelli have that effect on me) I gave the officer a look, and telepathically conveyed the request: “Can you look at the situation again and see it for what it is?” His eyes softened and the rest of his face followed. Next I stepped aside, gently guiding the lady to take that spot to take the picture. She was so grateful. A young Asian boy stood next to me, mesmorized and beaming. That’s what I was there for. To feel united in Love.

On the way out another security guard was shouting out commands to the crowd. He too received a look from me. “A little smile could make a big difference”, I gently suggested. “I know that, but…” and then he shared the pressure he felt he was under. Next thing I knew he smiled just a little, and there was a sparkle in his eyes! Love begets Love, unconditionally, and everything just yields for it, to allow for more loving interactions. There certainly is room for more!

Andrea Bocelli – A touch of magic in Central Park

Last night herds and herds of people were filing along one side of Fifth Avenue for many blocks, shuffling along for many blocks on the way to the great lawn in Central Park, to enjoy Andrea Bocelli’s concert. I was quite puzzled by the fact that no one seemed to think about crossing the road, where there was virtually no one on the side walk, except for my friend and I, and barely a handful of other brave souls. Not that we minded being able to move about swiftly and unrestricted.

Once we entered the gate at 72nd street, we adjusted our pace along with the rest of the crowd, slowing down. We could already hear Andrea’s angelic voice accompanied by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, tugging at the heart strings. The concert had already started, while thousands of us were still coming in. It felt nothing short of magical. “I feel like I am in the middle of a fairytale”, I shared with my friend, while a beautiful youngish lady next to me gave me a sparkling glance in recognition. I told my friend the whole scene invoked reflections from my childhood, when all the kids at school used to make lanterns in preparation for  a lantern parade. On the night of the parade we’d hang a little lamp, connected to a battery, inside the lantern. Being under the stars like that, breathing the crisp night air was magical, and gave me the feeling I was living a fairytale. No idea why or how that came up for me, but I went with it. Feeling the magic, and breathing that same invigorating night air.

Finally we reached the great lawn, where many screens were projecting Andrea Bocelli’s beaming appearance, but no sight yet of the stage. So my friend and I moved as far forward as we could get. And then I saw it. The stage looked like a spectacular, enormous dome shaped lantern with many interchanging lights!

More about it here.

Peace and Healing to All

Remembering September 11 and all affected. I will never forget, especially the next day when I smelled the smoke just as strongly as if ground zero was next door to me (on Long Island’s North Shore). I stayed outside to salute the ones who passed and to send love to their loved ones, and very strongly felt the presence of Angels. It was at once an incredibly sad and an amazing time, where people pulled together with great love and respect for each other, acting from the basic goodness of their hearts. Something I will always remember too.