Weasel medicine

Sign of the times: too many weasels in government everywhere. Yet, weasel totem as a teacher is powerful medicine indeed.

“Someone may be using covert tactics to Weasel into the hen house… Perhaps you may be lying to yourself about something you know to be true. This can be a lie on any level, for instance, storming the refrigerator at 3:00am and telling yourself no one will miss the half-eaten portion of the pie. If you scratch someone else’s automobile in a parking lot, leave a note. Don’t slink away just because you can. Honesty to self and others is of the utmost importance.”

“Weasel upright observes all actions, feelings and situations with keen senses. In the contrary, those abilities of observation are dulled until confusion sets in. When you don’t know how you feel or what is occurring around you, doubt becomes the barrier to your progress. Then you may find a bit of paranoia seeping into your life.
If you want to right the situation, start by shaking the dullness out of your head and observing the obvious. No one can fool you if you watch your step, honor your knowing, seek the “hidden reasons,” and use discretion in the process.”
