Breastfeeding a Newborn: Is my baby getting enough?

First time parents, I adore you. I often get asked: “How much breastmilk is enough, and how do I know how much I am feeding my baby?” and many first time moms wonder about this. Truth is: we don’t really know, and it’s okay! As long as baby is latched on well, baby will feed. Bring baby to the breast (the other way around just causes discomfort). As long as baby is suckling, you are making milk. When you are holding your baby and kiss him or her, you are making milk. The breasts don’t always respond as well to a pump in terms of producing milk. It’s the Love hormones: oxytocin!

As long as your baby:

Has at least 6 wet diapers a day (after day 5)

Is continuously gaining weight after the 10th day

Looks satisfied after each feed

All is well.

My favorite question today from first time dad: “What type of formula should I have on hand when his mom is pumping milk, and he gets hungry?” Put him on the other nipple for immediate relief. I guarantee you, there will be more milk coming from that nipple then from the one being pumped. Formula supplementation actually can inhibit milk supply.

Cracked nipple(s)? Dab some of that magic mama made, species specific breastmilk on it and air dry (see video 30 minutes in). Works every time.

Here are a few helpful links, take what resonates:

Connecting birth, placenta and breastmilk, an excellent presentation by Hilary Butler.

Grasshopper Totem

Honoring Lins Domain here

Grasshopper: Uncanny Leaps Forward

Uncanny Leaps Forward;
Jump! Those are the words that Grasshopper shouts out. Take a chance, trust your hunches and leap forward. Grasshopper does not move slowly, or step-by-step. It jumps at an alarming rate. Trust your own instincts on when to make the leaps. Trust your inner voice. It will lead you to great successes. Don’t be afraid to leap – and remember that Grasshopper only leaps forward – never backward. Grasshopper is a Chinese symbol of good luck and abundance.

Butterfly Totem

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

On doula duty I am holding space for a natural birthing family with a focus on gentle birth in the energy of Love without condition. Hanging out in the back yard, surrounded by big trees, shrubbery, a babbling brook, and a natural lawn with all sorts of grasses, clover, weeds and wildflowers, we are visited by a giant butterfly.

Among birdsong and child play with nearly 18 month old baby #1, we are reminded that indeed all is as nature intended.

The butterfly is the symbol of change, joy and color

It is the symbol of the soul. They remind us that life is a dance, not to take things quite so seriously. They also remind us to get up – or down on the floor – and move. Dance brings the sweetness of life. Butterflies bring color and joy to your life. Look at them and remember what joy is in your life, if it’s a lot or a little, even when closely related to grief, it is still joy. Butterfly teaches us that growth and transformation does not have to be traumatic; it can occur gently, sweetly, and joyfully.

Lins Domain, reinstated here, is where I get most of my inspiration on animal totems, because her perspective is usually short & to the point, leaving room for our own interpretation 💜

Little pitter patter footprints reminding us of the sweet & playful dance of life