Some Sage Advice on Lion’s Gate

Did you celebrate the Lion’s Gate portal?

I am sure I have as well. Celebrations, in real time, dancing or at play with people you vibe with are always a great thing.

If you’re using Lion’s Gate to make a bid for power in major life decisions, there are a few things to consider first.

Are you looking for power and magic externally?

Would you make this decision any other time?

If your answers are yes and no, respectively, think again.

Some sage advice by John Armitage :

“Well me am sitting quietly thinking about stuff, what am i thinking about really? well here it is, who makes up this shit like the lions gate scam, think about it since the calendar we use was made up their has been loads of 8 8 dates during this time, if all the bullshit about it was true we would either be a super race of loving people or ascended to some other place for sure, this crap is just like the 2012 stuff but we get it every year now, just think about it for a moment and be honest with your self, if we had a dna upgrade every year at this time the above would have really manifested for sure, the only way to change the world and our lives is to act, not follow some madcap idea we do not create our own and collective reality and its all in the hands of some other energy other than our own, get real get loving and then changes will take place, dont give your power away: you are your own power, one love baba”