Frog Totem

Honoring Lins Domain

Frog: Transformation

The frog is the totem of metamorphosis. It symbolizes coming into your personal power. It reminds us not to become bogged down with day-to-day living. It is the totem of water. Its voice calls forth the rains. Emotions are associated with water and a frog totem may be telling you to get in touch with your feelings. People with frog medicine give support and energy where it is needed. They can cleanse discordant energies from an environment.

What’s up with farmers in the Netherlands?

In spite of the road blocks causing supply chain interruptions, the Dutch farmers are supported by a majority (75%) of Dutch citizens (in Dutch, feel free to use google translate), as they are bringing the message home: no farmers, no food.

As a Dutch expat I learned (from one of my uncles) on one of my visits years ago: phase 1 of the quite disturbing potentially mutagenic nightmare in Dutch farming reform started with the government mandating their farmers to invest in what turned out a ponzi scheme. We had no idea of these plans at the time. What we did know is that the Dutch government had sold out its farmers and set them up to loose staggering amounts of their hard-earned Euros, forcing many farmers to shut down and sell their land.

Both my parents came from large farming families and several of my uncles, aunts and cousins have carried on the tradition. As multi-generational farmers, my cousins have been able to continue farming. One of my cousins is a bio-dynamic organic dairy farmer. Another raises Wagyu beef cattle. Another is a pig farmer.

Watching various Dutch independent news outlets, reasonable concern is expressed that there are initiatives to turn the Netherlands along with neighboring regions in Germany and Belgium into a mega “smart” city for Europe. UN countries following agenda 21/2030, have been promoting the (anything but) “just” war in Ukraine to satisfy their infatuation with the land there while thinning out the population, simultaneously exploiting Ukraine and playing the emotionally inept blame game towards Russia. Response-ability requires all parties to keep their actions and non-actions in check to indeed respect the interests of all concerned, including their own. We haven’t seen anyone stepping up to talk about facilitating conflict resolution, thereby avoiding war altogether.

The Dutch government is also relentlessly legislating nitrogen measures that are threatening to shut down farmers. Farmer unions have through Dutch WOB (FOIA) requests inquired about the numbers in areas displayed in well crafted images by various propaganda outlets, depicting which areas are over saturated with nitrogen. So far, crickets on what exactly those numbers are, and not a word about other industrial giants likely to far outdo the farmers in terms of nitrogen emissions (in as far as you can trust EPA numbers, as any government agency and related NGOs are usually rife with conflicts of interest).

Thankfully many Dutch farmers and their supporters (those who eat real and whole foods daily) aren’t willing to give up sovereignty in any way, and know it’s insane to outsource control of the food supply.

There will be a public debate in the Dutch parliament on this topic. Not expecting too much from career politicians and their handlers in these self-inflicted crises, it may or may not help there are many political parties. Several small parties have gained traction and garnered more seats, collaborating on issues like all around sovereignty.

To appear to be willing to start a mediation effort to appease the farmers, the Rutte III Dutch cabinet has appointed Johan Remkes, the very person who has written the nitrogen policy – demanding a 50% reduction in nitrogen emissions by 2030, compared to 26% in neighboring countries – as mediator. Farmers unions have no interest in starting discussions designed to do nothing to resolve the situation.

Many Dutch people (friends and cousins too) have started organic community gardens years ago. City dwellers have bought patches of land within reasonable distance to chill in rvs or tiny homes, while growing their own food.

Community gardens in Harderwijk, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Cricket Totem

Honoring Lins Domain, reinstated here.

Cricket: Intuition and Belief

The appearance of Cricket in your life heralds an awakening of sensitivities and finding light within the dark. Dreams become more clairvoyant. Trust in your intuition – it is more accurate than you believe.

Just as Cricket sheds its outer shell in order to grow, so must you – shed what is not needed in order to grow in spirit. Make sure to stay grounded and balanced while exploring your intuition and psychic abilities. The appearance of Cricket might also be a reminder to be properly grounded when you are using psychic powersΒ 

So important

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Mothers of the Earth: you are the LAW

Ultimately NO ONE can take away our rights. One may have to get really creative, but there are ways… safe ways….to be who our Soul seeks to be…

~ Peggy J Star

“Look at what is said about the Heart & Womb Chakras: Roe vs Wade. … to me as Clan Mother, Indigenous mother and grandmother the argument doesn’t exist.  The energy the world exerts into proving one is right and one is not is a sinking ship. Inside Indigenous women’s worldview Mother is the LAW! No MAN or MAN MADE law can determine the outcome of a pregnancy.  It is the mother who stands at the threshold of life and death.  She is the canoe, the vessel, the river from which all life flows or not.  Ancient Civilizations used canoes as symbols to the afterlife because it replicated the sacred door of the mother. 

Mothers of this era have become disempowered to their own powers of creation and their only reprieve is to throw their voices into a no win argument. The wisdom of creation and the ancestral knowing of our grandmothers knew that life was a gift not to be taken for granted and our babies ranked highest in the most sacred form.  However, if a mother found herself in a circumstance not able to stand in the responsibility of mothering, she can retreat in silent prayer, lift her heart to the Grandmother moon, for it is she who is the leader of all women and controls the cycles of life and renewal. Through belief and prayer the mother can turn the canoe around and safely row it back to the spirit world. Her and her alone can call that into being.  Her heart chakra and womb chakra are powerful sources to enact her choices. She is creation and she is the law over her own body. No argument needed. Powerup your own voice within, learn the sacred wisdom of the ancestral mothers and pour love into your canoe.

Mothers of the earth, row your own choices or wade your life giving force into being.  In the end you’re the supreme LAW ❀️ Mommabear”

~ FB find.

Personal note:

Happy to encounter this perspective from my friend Peggy Star and an anonymous clan mother & grandmother. Was thinking along these lines when reading the emotional responses all over social media over a couple of figure heads making up some new old rules outside their jurisdiction. I wanted to say so much, and felt it important to allow women to release past and current trauma around all the ways they – we as a collective – have been patronized, exploited and disrespected.

Women can be much more empowered when taught to:

β™‘Be in touch with their bodies and the moon cycle
β™‘If not ready for the parenting gig intend for her period to start at the full moon (personal experience taught me this, as illustrated by Morgaine in The Mists of Avalon)
Increase sensitivity by ditching chemical Birth control which tricks the body into skipping ovulation (and along with it many forms of orgasm)
With renewed sensitivity to feel when ovulation happens. A slight change can be felt just prior. Between two fingers, checking the vaginal discharge. Stringy? Bingo! Ovulation is happening. That’s when to avoid vaginal penetration or use a condom.

β™‘In a pinch? Midwives, clan women, grandmothers and doulas are your best friends.
β™‘And lastly, know who you are, so no man can take your rights away without your consent.

Toad Totem

Honoring Lins Domain here

Toad: Inner Strength, Luck

The appearance of a Toad heralds a successful time of drawing upon and using our inner resources. Toads are associated with money and luck – especially changing your luck for the better. People with a Toad totem can see things and people more clearly. A Toad heralds the need for self-examination. Ask these questions: Am I hesitating to act and missing opportunities? Am I allowing fear to hinder progress? Have I forgotten my inner strength? A Toad totem is a representation of the Moon, and represents both Life and Death. In alchemy, the Toad signifies the dark side of Nature. In the ancient cultures of Mexico, the Toad symbolized the Earth.

Personal note:

This is a powerful totem to encounter, especially now that humanity is facing so many harsh lessons in rapid succession. Nature is our best teacher in terms of adaptation: seeing the big picture through keeping in touch with inner resources. As above, so below. As within, so without. One in Love with All of Creation – Divine in Nature.

Namaste ~ In Lak’ech


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