Standing Rock: a call to continue to stand together

Snake Totem: Turning venom into medicine

Felt a wink from young Merlin, and a smile from the ancient one when I had finished writing this:

Check out this young Cherokee man, and his creative use of High Hawk Totem to help gain a sense of the Big Picture. Deep gratitude is owed to ALL water protectors coming together on this. So beautiful to see the human race come together as One Tribe, remembering what we all hold sacred. Beautiful to experience the protective presence of thousands of veterans alongside our people of the First Nations, many of whom have also served in military and police force. In a vision quest of my own (which continues in support of Standing Rock) I have seen, felt, imagined, chanted, called out and allowed for this to happen. Quite obviously I was – and am – far from alone in this.

While we have reason to celebrate, we maintain constant vigilance, and a strong Peaceful Loving Presence at Standing Rock. On to the next phase, as the next phase of the Black Snake is being planned in the formation of a few more heads where they do not belong. May we honor the Black Snake Totem: turning venom into medicine. In mastering this totem’s teachings, we can ensure the Black Snake is here to serve all, instead of just a few ♡

Merlin’s Cave – Tintagel