Codex Alimentarius – Food Supply Control Games

BlackRock, Vanguard and of course the usual suspects, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Besos, and WholeFoods are playing with lives through new GMO and gene editing technologies and monopolizing the food supply chain.

Vertical farming taken to a new extreme: Inserting CRISPR gene editing and splicing technology, mutagenic (carcinogenic) activity in the food supply. The continued push to j@b everyone, also through the food supply.

Learn about the newest tricks of the trade and what to watch out for, to protect your health and sanity.

Watch Financial Rebellion with Catherine Austin Fitts!

Bear Totem

Honoring Lins Domain, reinstated here.

Bear: Caution, Healing, Leadership 
The power of the Bear totem is the power of introspection. The answers to all our questions lie within us. Each of us has the capacity to quiet the mind, enter the silence and know. Just as the bear hibernates during the winter, people with a Bear totem will be quieter during the winter months. But they must awaken in the spring and seek whatever opportunities are around them. When you have a Bear totem, you are being guided to a leadership role. You must be fearless in defending your beliefs. The Bear also encourages you to exercise your abilities as a natural healer.

What did Lin mean when she channeled bear and  said: You must be fearless in defending your beliefs…?

Asking bear totem to help me decipher. The quality of your thoughts creates your experience. As you encounter thoughts that are from inauthentic, fear and control based programming, fearlessly stare into that fear and allow these thoughts to transmute, transmute, transmute. Recognize you are one with all of creation. Co-create to your heart’s content. Be grounded as you allow your heart & gut to lead. They tell you when it’s time to come out and play in the grand scheme of life.

Intermittent fasting is your friend in learning endurance as well as listening to your innermost being. We do our best dreaming both during hibernation AND while at play. As the indigenous tribes have taught throughout generations: only the dreamtime is real.

Salmon Totem

Honoring Lins Domain, archived here.

Salmon’s sheer determination to swim upstream. They do this to spawn. To increase chances of survival for their offspring, going upstream ensures the highest oxygenated, life affirming water and protection from predators.
Image Source

Salmon: Symbolizes Wisdom 
The salmon’s wisdom includes – value of returning home to regenerate, swimming upstream through emotional waters to gain insight, understanding divination messages, rebirth of esoteric knowledge, wisdom. 

The Salmon’s aim is to overcome all obstacles that may present themselves. Its aim is to be reunited with All That Is. We are assisted by salmon in developing the necessary wisdom needed to find the meaning and purpose of our lives, and also to move steadily on our multidimensional journey.  

People with this power animal often tend to be hardy or resilient and can persevere when others arent able to. Often they pick a life filled with challenges knowing that within each challenge lies hidden treasure and the opportunity for growth. 
They also have a strong sense of purpose and work tirelessly toward fulfillment. Studying genealogy is important.