Oh boy

Talk about lists.

On page 17 of the ‘CBER-plans for monitoring vaccine safety and effectiveness‘ of the Va((ines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, presented on October 22, 2020 at the Meeting Presentation COVID19, is the following working list of anticipated potential adverse reactions to Co\/id-19 va((ine.

How many recipients of this “gift” to humanity will be truly informed on this prior to the exchange? Gif in Dutch appropriately means poison btw.

Here you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth.

You’re welcome.

Duck Totem

Duck: Emotional Comfort and Protection

Honoring Lins Domain here.

Duck is connected to feminine energies, the astral plane and emotions through their connection with water. Duck reminds us to drink deeply from the waters of life. Find comfort in your element and with those of like mind and spirit.

Duck teaches you how to maneuver through the waters of life with grace and comfort.

Psychologists and therapists often have Duck as a totem, assisting them to help others move through emotional tangles.