Goose Totem

A listing of some traits these astounding creatures offer in terms of wit and wisdom:










G o o s e

Family And Protection:

Geese take their families seriously, and the adults and young ones are often spotted sticking together. During breeding seasons, geese become extremely aggressive and protective. They defend their young ones with their life.
Be it humans or other animals and birds; geese are often noticed chasing away those who try to harm their offspring.

Geese travel in flocks and are excellent navigators. Even if they travel miles away from their habitat, they’re known to have the ability to get back to their home.

Smart in terms of navigating and adaptability, when the colder season arrives, geese travel to warmer regions. They are known to strive for survival and search for appropriate habitats quickly.

While cacophonous noises geese make might sound joyful to some, or annoying to others, it is undeniable that geese are great communicators. The loud noises they make represent their medicine: opening up their hearts and expressing their emotions.

People with goose totem are born leaders and communicators. They do need to be mindful to avoid getting too fixated on achieving their dreams, to the point they ignore every other aspect of life, including their precious familial relationships and friendships.

Call on goose totem within to remember the keen navigation and communication skillset you have been gifted with. Listen within to allow the heart to guide you towards succeeding in your quests. Teamwork, cooperation through communication, makes the dream work!

Goose encounters, in nature or in dreams, encourage you to listen to your heart. Have you been living life on your terms or by someone else’s rules and regulations? Do your day-to-day activities make you happy? Geese remind you to let go of things that you’re trying too hard to control and to live at your own pace.

Flock of geese spotted, congregating today in Central NY