Re-minder: nothing is “up there” 🙂


John Armitage/Hari Das Baba at a recent 13D Teacher Training:

There’s a lot of misconception in all of this. Another reminder: nothing is “up there”. Not the 5th dimension or anything. But everybody’s always looking up there since Jesus supposedly ascended on Mt. Tabor.

Every dimensional reality exists simultaneously in every point in time and space. Get your brain around that one. In the whole of creation. So actually we don’t go “up”. Actually this idea of going up is about raising our vibrational frequencies. Nothing is solid. Because of our conditioning we thing the wall is solid, the floor is solid, the ceiling, the table. Everything is in constant movement. Everything in creation is actually a wave form of a vibrational frequency. So this is what enlightenment and ascension is all about. It’s about achieving a vibrational frequency in our bodies so we can merge with the next dimensional…

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To every parent and caregiver: on public health concerns and freedom of thought


The Truth About Vaccines documentary (TTAV), episode 7, it dawned on me again why it is vital to share this with everyone. It up to each individual to discern what you do with this information, I just think there is a need for me to be of service in this way.
It may be challenging for some to read and hear testimonials from parents, medical professionals and others in the healthcare industry, yet remember we are consumers. As such we need to be able to have a choice in what we are buying, and how much we are willing to pay for it. The lives of my firstborn, or any of my consecutive children I have vowed to sustain and protect until they themselves have grown to manage this task for themselves, with all that I am, and all that I have.
I am also unwilling to negotiate the life of anyone else’s child, as a mother who is fully informed, and fully present to the challenges we face with the entire species of our human family.
In the end it is us, the parents who deal with the consequences of our choices (coerced or not), thanks to this situation.

It is often said that money talks, and bullshit walks, except when government agencies, healthcare industry, education, and media are inundated with corporate lobbyists, an awful lot of BS is excessively broadcasted. Now we are faced with not only heavily coerced and sponsored bullshit, we are dealing with psychopaths running the show. And the show must go on, no matter the cost, even at the expense of the human genome, even at the expense of relationships between members of our human family. The death toll continues to rise, as people are at each other’s throats, flinging their nightmares at each other, without coming to a complete understanding. Fear of dis-ease continues to destroy lives, and line very deep pockets, which keep going to great lengths to perpetuate the illusion that vaccines save lives. All common sense has gone out the window. Now vaccines supposedly can only “save” lives when everyone is vaccinated (which to date has never happened, and likely never will), even though the manufacturer’s inserts say something entirely different. Read any one under “vaccine preventable diseases”, listed on this site.
Pay attention to the article (usually #13.1) : Carcinogenic, mutagenic effects and fertility. It goes on to tell you that … (name of) vaccine has not been tested for carcinogenic (cancer forming) or mutagenic effects (genetic mutations, known to send the immune system into fight or flight mode, also cancerforming), and no studies were done to test the effects on fertility (in most cases, on a rare occasion there is a brief fertility study on rats). There is also an impressive list of ingredients in the multiple vaccines the CDC recommends, as inserts reveal, and it is worth anyone’s time to look up the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet on each one).


Let’s continue the focus on that article 13 for now.
Childhood cancer continues to be on the rise, and instead of the usual “it’s not the vaccines”, (how can anyone say that with certainty, given what the inserts convey?) we can say it can be any number of things, including vaccines.
An honest doctor will reveal that the extent of their studies in immunology involved learning the CDC recommended “immunization” schedule, and that they were taught to blindly trust them. The less he/she knows about it, the better, how else can they continue to practice in good conscience? A doctor who bullies parents into compliance is pressured and bribed by insurance companies. So it’s easier on them to send non-compliant parents away, not to be reminded there could be another way, now that eczema, asthma, recurring ear infections, allergies, chronic rashes, ADHD/ADD, ODD, OCD, ASD, diabetes, night terrors, excessive crying or sleeping, and early onset menopause in teenage girls, are all considered “normal development”.
To those who have been fired by their doctors, congratulations! You are now free to enter a new paradigm that better suits your changing perspective. There are real doctors and other healthcare providers who will listen and share your growing concern.

Quite a few are featured in this episode of TTAV, and certainly you will find someone in your area, who is willing to assist you in moving from sick care to healthcare.
In this episode you hear pediatricians share different POVs on vaccination. My kids’ pediatrician Dr. Larry Palevski is featured, as are the co-authors of “The vaccine friendly plan”, Paul Thomas, MD and Jennifer Margulis, PhD, who recognize 70+ doses of way too many vaccines from age 0-18 creates the sickest generation of children ever seen in any “developed” country. So they suggest a delayed schedule, and omit certain vaccines completely. Dr. Larry on the other hand doesn’t mince words on the dangers of vaccination, and his experience in promoting health in children without pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who was denied access in Australia, home of the Murdock empire of businesses, talks about what is coming down the pike in terms of what pharmaceutical lobbyists are planning globally in eliminating health freedom. Think for a moment,  people. Why were Australian authorities so afraid to let a doctor of osteopathy share her knowledge? Free speech, and consequently free thought in Australia is now considered a potential “public health threat”. One can only wonder how, given the many testimonials from the people who have received Dr. Tenpenny’s services.

TTAV in this episode also touches on the subject of homeoprophilaxis (a homeopathic version of vaccination without side effects) via nosodes: an energetic signature of an illness, that can prime the immune system to recognize these patterns of dis-ease and trigger an appropriate response so that a visit from this type of illness is very short lived, with or without symptoms.
What was not shared, and is important to know:
Nosodes only work when a particular illness is prevalent, For example ocsillococcinum is the nosode used when flu is going around or at first symptom (sore throat). A few days in it does nothing, so you must have it on hand and use it either at onset or when someone in your immediate environment has it. Then it really does work! Well known in (w)holistic families.
So to use it instead of vaccines, and to satisfy school mandates is a long shot.
You would need an MD that fills in the vax form for your child(ren). I once tried with an anthroposophic MD in Chestnut Ridge who is part of a Waldorf School community. At the time he told me no, because he did not think it was in integrity to misuse homeopathic remedies (he explained nosodes only work as described above), and to basically lie and pretend the listed vaccines were given.
An easier way, for discerning parents who choose to opt out of vaccination, is to claim religious, philosophical or medical exemption, (PM me for more info) and to order the nosodes, also known as homeoprophilaxis, to have on hand for when you know something is going around.
More info here.
Educated parents are willing to protect their own children and yours. When my kids are “under the weather” I keep them home until they are better. Now how’s that for a sound bite?
Still here? Thank you! I appreciate your impressive attention span, and even more your willingness to listen! I am always willing to listen to you, even if your POV differs from mine. I will not judge you, or try to convert you. All I ask is that you extend the same courtesy to me.

To the collective ego running amok on our planet

And to whomever else it concerns and may serve. Notice the trend everywhere lately? How far are we going to allow the nazi agenda to infiltrate the human psyche? Are we, each of us, willing to address the inner nazi? The one that wants to shut up those who don’t subscribe to your preferred group think? This whole “freedom isn’t free”, or “freedom is hard” isn’t necessarily true.

Today I watched a lifestream video of Someone making sense. Mostly at least. Then I came across this. I wrote it eight years ago. May it continue the ripple effect to #EndFascismNow #RiseUp #LoveAllServeAll



