Missed information on bodily autonomy

Long time, I know. I have been observing how corporate capture of academia, government and media is dehumanizing, fragmented, and disconnected from reality.

The “news” is at this point just dizzying from all the spin. Anything undesirable or that deviates from the consensus (once upon a time there was a consensus on tobacco science, and that the earth was flat, etc) is deemed “alt facts” or, what is it…? “Misinformation”? Or “missed information”?

ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) was another shit show this week at the CDC with new terminology “reassuring data” in light of ACIP members being on the record admitting that there is no safety data on yet more additions to the already overloaded va((ine schedule. Instead of addressing the cause of what is known as va((ine failure (va((inees become asymptomatic carriers who then infect others regardless of va((ination status), more doses are added to the schedule. Incidents of asymptomatic carriers have been recorded at schools with chickenpox for example here in New York with now near 100% compliance with the schedule, and a mumps outbreak in the navy with 100% compliance, and so on. The “reassuring data” mentioned by a hopeful ACIP member actually involved data collected on eight (8)!!! pregnant women without actual safety data (inert placebo testing non-existent).

What is nice is that they are on the record sharing all this, and unanimously voting yea on approval for pregnant ones (no one is talking about how they may affect the unborn children) for those of us who still have a few brain cells.

So, the TDaP is approved for yet another dose for everyone. With 2020 just around the corner there is an urgency never before seen. Got to keep a sense of humor about it, though at times it sure is challenging.

Recorded into history on the topic of medical fascism, and for some inspiration to know and do better: https://youtu.be/-o2y7sWKlno

On the upside, on my travels, and I travel a lot, I keep encountering real human beings. Human beings are awesome. Don’t you think we as human beings need to come together and preserve some level of sanity, autonomy and some form of kinship? And when I say kinship, it means recognizing the source of our being, which I experience as Divine Love, and you may experience and call it something else. It means ensuring our birth right to individual freedoms is recognized. This includes bodily autonomy, which is not for sale, even though illegal legislation in some states has resulted in parents being coerced into allowing their children to be injected with experimental invasive drugs to prevent (really?) dis-ease, in order for them to be allowed to go to school.

Most parents who have strongly held beliefs against it, are now homeschooling or moving away.

