About eclipses with support of a loving universe

Ready for some more life altering experiences? Eclipses are coming, and they do usually come with life lessons and much needed change. Taking deep breaths to allow, allow, allow, trusting that all is well, and in a process of alignment with divine will. Each being in this process is connected to his/her own free and divine will, triggered by their own divine spark of unconditional, loving light, God or Goddess self, or mother/father source, even though not everyone is aware of this connection. Wisdom keepers from indigenous tribes around the globe have always held this to be true: we are all connected, all is one.

A pearl I received this week from Nedda Wittels hosting a teleclass I attended: in life we encounter positive and negative experiences, and whichever one we focus on, we energize. Nothing new, but it somehow came in on yet another level. Now I completely understand why I’ve been guided lately to focus on finding hidden gold in negative experiences when they occur. Find the positive within the negative and go with it. Perhaps it is all a natural progression as humanity is meant to release some of its expiring negative programming. Since I am part of that equation, cleaning up my own act is an ongoing project. Gratitude and forgiveness continue to be key elements in moving through the rough patches, and onward. These elements allow for powerful transformation, triggering more positive experiences.

And I am grateful for all the guidance and support on all levels I receive on a daily basis!!!

Today I came across this great essay on upcoming eclipses, with a reminder to immerse myself more into yoga again, or any other practice of combining inner and physical work-outs, like a walk in the woods, and doing some stretches afterwards.

Favorite lines from this essay: We’re in the electromagnetic wobble of the eclipses now, and the Gemini solar eclipse is next week. The period continues through mid-July, two weeks after the final eclipse. That’s the window of opportunity. With the support of a loving universe, life on earth will never be the same.

Feeling extra great about Shamballa Master Healer/Master Teacher Workshops that I am committed to attend. They are scheduled to be completed by mid July. Here’s the essay on the upcoming eclipses:



Nell Tomassen Reboh

Birth & Rebirth Doula/Transformation Coach

New Paradigm MDT Ambassador of Love

Born in the Netherlands, Europe, growing up as the middle child in a conventional family, Nell learned lessons of unconditional love in unconventional ways. Feeling separated from family, friends and all that was familiar when she moved to Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles in 1988, she came into her own by rediscovering her intuitive gifts and things that made her tick. Among those things: enjoying nutritious and delicious foods, nature, animals, people of all ages and from many walks of life, music and dance, travel, hands-on healing, pushing her limits, and development as a multi-dimensional being. The name of the island Curaçao means *heart*, and as soon as she set foot on the island she embarked on a lifelong journey of learning to listen to and follow the heart. It became clear to her that she enjoys living in Love and freedom, and helping others do the same.

Follow the heart she did when she met her soulmate in 1991, left her beloved island, and moved to the NY metro area to join him in a place tucked away and surrounded by nature. It turned out an ideal setting for Nell to further develop her skills in communing with Nature, spirit guides, and discovering the nature of being on multiple levels. She spent years practicing Shamanic journeying without any external teachings. In a partnership with Uriel, Nell discovered intuitively how to create gem elixirs, and founded E-l’xr (Eternal Love eXemplified Resonance) in 2008.

Nell and her husband today live Upstate NY in the Upper Catskill Mountains, with their three sons and two cats.

Nell is a certified workshop facilitator for the School of Esoteric Sciences. Courses she offers are Basic Master of New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation, and New Paradigm MDT Master Teacher.


  • Energy therapy: Hands-on, cognitive release work, effective trauma release
  • Personal, group and distant healings
  • Birth/Re-birth Doula/Transformation Coach
  • Group and Individual Astral Projection – Etheric Journeys
  • Space clearings for home, business, hospital, class room, court room
  • Relationships: couples, parent/child, etc.
  • Gem elixirs
  • Animal communication
  • New Paradigm MDT certification courses
  • Meditation

Additionally, Nell co-facilitates GoddSCircle gatherings, in which a diverse group of women explores the divine feminine within themselves. Picture a group of women from many walks of life sharing their experiences, hardships and joys, in a sacred space they create together, accepting each other’s reality without judgment.


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