To vax or not to vax all – discussing vaccine policy in New York’s Capitol

Waiting for an “off the floor meeting”, I was next to the stairs right outside the chamber. There was a concrete ledge where, after a long day of walking and standing, I decided to sit for a while.

My representative’s assistant promised she would text me as soon as he had returned to his seat. An intense day, I could feel the tension rising right outside the room, topic of discussion unbeknownst to me.

A lady asked me if I wouldn’t mind sharing and allow her to sit next to me. Of course not, I moved to the right to offer her more room to sit. Both of us were quietly catching some reprieve for a while. Then she asked me: “What are you working on?” I said: “Keeping exemptions from vaccinations”. She froze. Her entire face and demeanor changed instantly. Her eyes turned dark and started shooting daggers at me for a good fifteen seconds. Then she said: “Then you believe in killing children!” “Quite the contrary”, I said. She said: “I am a nurse, you don’t know what you are talking about”. My reply: “I personally know quite a few nurses who agree with me on this issue. Are you aware there is an organization of thousands of nurses known as Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines?” She abruptly jumped off the ledge, on her feet. “You should speak to parents of kids hurt by vaccine preventable disease, such as my son!” The last four words loudly reflected much pain.

Choices at the capitol

This image is gracing the wall in the hallway on the 4th floor in the Capitol Building, Albany, NY

She scooted off before I could say another word. I would have listened further to her very real grief about what happened to her son. How very sad to see a real life example of someone stuck in a paradigm where those who choose vaccination think they must impose their ways on others in order for these vaccines to actually “work”. Meanwhile vaccine makers are protected from liability, and $4,142,954,814.88 has been paid out to vaccine injured families in the US, as of May 1, 2019, paid for by taxes raised on the sale of vaccines.

Mind you, the maximum payout for loss of life is $250,000. So this is what human life is valued at, while people like Julie Gerberding, former head of the CDC has moved on to Merck’s vaccine division, and just keeps raking in rewards for her part in the cover up of fraudulent activities within the CDC. Representative Bill Posey’s request for a congressional hearing with lead scientist and whistleblower William Thompson is one such example, which has fallen on deaf ears. There is no judge, no jury, and no discovery in “vaccine court“. “Special masters” take the place of a judge. It’s so tedious, costly and time consuming to attempt to be compensated, that many parents with vaccine injured children who need around the clock care just won’t be able to manage it.

The meeting with the mother of a child who was “hurt by a vaccine preventable disease” still haunts me, particularly her response. She is a nurse who thought she was doing the right thing. She vaccinated her kid. The vaccine didn’t work to protect her child. Not only did the vaccine not work to protect her child, he was hurt by the disease the vaccine was claimed to protect against. Instead of looking at this critically, perhaps reading a vaccine package insert, she blames the unvaccinated. I have compassion for her.

State Assembly Chamber

The official narrative supports her views. It allows her to be comforted in thinking she did all she could, while those terrible parents with exemptions from vaccines didn’t do their part. Except, most of them did, each in their own way. Those who believed in the paradigm as she did, and those who believed differently, but where “mandated” (coerced in spite of a nagging gut feeling not to do it), uneducated about exemption rights – and in fact did vaccinate their kids – had to learn firsthand debilitating vaccine injuries do happen. The official narrative is hard at work to drown out possibilities to hear this well. And so those of us who have witnessed the carnage continue to have to hear the official narrative like nails on chalkboard. For now legislation is pushed everywhere to do away with what little parental choice is left. The conversation is riddled with incredible conflicts of interest made possible by your government, which allows profit driven industry to exert control over media, policies, and published science.

Are we really looking to travel the path of medical fascism, where non-vaccinating or vaccine risk aware parents are treated as heretics and pariahs, while vaccine religion is pushed on everyone unchecked?

Not in New York, not if we can help it. Not in any self respecting nation, not if we can help it. According to Children’s Health Defense, spearheaded by environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who along with ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) and its stellar legal teams has already taken on HHS, the FDA (twice!) and Bayer’s Monsanto (twice!) and won, we CAN and we will. All a matter of when, rather then if, those responsible for committing these crimes against humanity will answer for their crimes.

There are a few Kennedys who were asked to toe the line and publicly speak out against their brother and uncle, and how “wrong” he is on the issue of vaccination. Thing is, they did not inherit the legendary name Robert (Bobby) Francis Kennedy, and initials RFK, Jr. did, for a reason.

RFK Jr Albany Rally

Albany, New York, May 14, 2019

Expect the Nuremberg Code of Ethics to be reinstated everywhere in the way it was meant to from its inception.

By the way, I did end up meeting and thanking the representatives of my district in person, as they are dedicated to protecting parental choice and consent. First amendment rights still truly mean something to them.

In Love & Service,



Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Health Impact News

Health Care Business Association (HBA)

C-Span and Marcella Piper-Terry’s blog

THE VACCINE COURT, book written by Wayne Rohde

Dr. Larry Palevsky, former Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, in an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola.

National Vaccine Information Center

Hear This Well: Breaking the silence on vaccine violence (campaign in answer to the cover up of the testimony of CDC lead scientist William Thompson, omitting significant data in a study involving autism and the MMR vaccine)

CNBC – Christina Farr –

Health Impact News

The Ethical Nag, blog focused on medical research fraud, by investigative journalist Carolyn Thomas, Victoria BC, Canada.

Children’s Health Defense

Informed Consent Action Network

New England Journal of Medicine, Evelyne Shuster, Ph.D.