To all my friends who stand by Planned Parenthood – Tough questions, someone has to ask them

This is a touchy subject, and please hear me out first. So sorry to be raining on this parade. I so wish I could simply support a woman’s choice (and I do) and just leave it at that. Sadly there is something more sinister going on, which makes me almost get nostalgic at the thought of back alley abortions, in my view of course performed by skilled midwives. As we have been told by our mothers, “back in the day” (of back alley abortions and shotgun weddings) most men and women were not trained to know very much about sex education, choices in how and where to go and have an abortion let alone how to prevent one.

til death do us part

Found this looking for an appropriate “shotgun wedding” pic.

Still today, the many varieties of orgasm possibilities in women and men are not really addressed in clinical settings. And why not? The world would certainly be a more loving and love making place. Then again, we may be having too much fun, and not need any anti-anxiety drugs or anti-depressants. Thankfully there are other more warm and nurturing settings where one may get a clue, and get educated on Tantra and Taoism. Anyway, after catching up on the Planned Parenthood goings on, the mood is as far from orgasmic states as having an afternoon run (which will likely never happen as I prefer walking, hiking and swimming).

The You Tube posted all over facebook on standing by Planned Parenthood is a nice piece of propaganda. Let’s share a few facts. Yes, Planned Parenthood has for many years now been a step up from poorly executed back alley abortions, but at what cost?

There clearly is a need for an investigation into ethics around PP”s alleged profiteering from it’s participation in the altering of the human genome.

Is it ethical for a woman to have her aborted fetus taken toward a eugenics program without her knowledge or consent? Yes there are reports of consent, but that hardly counts, as these women were not informed on the type of research their aborted “tissue” would be “donated” to.

Is it ethical to have late term abortions, just because there is a chance of congenital birth defect?

Is it ethical to abort babies from their mothers who are under “conscious” sedation (as in date rape) while the doctor is commissioned to get their cervix dilated enough to harvest 20 week old fetuses as intact as possible so it all can be sold to the highest bidder?

Is it ethical for human beings to participate in the creation of GMO humans without their knowledge or consent?

Is it ethical for young girls to be coerced into taking contraceptives that will make them skip their monthly bleeding entirely, and risk becoming infertile or becoming a cancer victim later on in life?

Is it ethical that PP recommends Gardasil in spite of reports of serious adverse events that include brain damage, death and infertility?

Is it ethical for PP and its partners in crime to participate in the human genome project, to edit out certain racial traits, sexual preferences, reproductive ability, etc, under the guise of “curing and preventing disease”)?

How does Novogenix sound to you as a Planned Parenthood regular?


Source: (for a humorous look into a potential stuck-in-3D nightmare)

Personally I would love to see a reform within PP, and to that effect all these questions deserve to be looked into, and answered.

So no, it is not only right wing religious anti-abortion zealots that are asking for an investigation into ethics within PP and its affiliates.

Some of us are free agents, who choose to live in freedom from religious doctrine, and still have respect for all life forms, for the laws of nature and the natural order of things. Some of us have learned to work within the Divine Seed Blueprint of Creation, and even have access to working with our 12 strand DNA. Our perspective includes and also reaches beyond the workings of 3D physical existence. From here there is no need for any violent physical manipulation or control games. Would I show it to you? Sure, I am happy to oblige by request.

Vaccines are safe and effective – or are they?

maternal instincts

While holistic doctors are murdered for sharing real life saving and empowering information on vaccines, previously and still largely undisclosed vaccine ingredients such as nagalase, and how to reverse damage by this toxic scheme, there are moms. Moms of vaccine injured children. I have personal connections with quite a few of these courageous women, who had to face one or more of her children harmed by vaccines, while they thought they were doing all they could to protect them. They listened to their doctors. They couldn’t believe it happened to them, and their children. Until they saw it first hand. Everything changed when they saw their children hit every mile stone, and then turned out brain damaged, some of them permanently. They saw their little ones regress and stop talking. They heard their babies’ high pitch cries. They watched them seizing, banging their heads on the floor, and had to deal with their explosive diarrhea. And it still took a while before they discovered why and how they found themselves living this nightmare. While their doctors “coincidenced” them to near death, they had nothing left to loose and started listening to that quiet inner voice, otherwise known as intuition, and mother’s instinct. They started researching. They found answers. And now that they do know the truth, they are a force to be reckoned with. They continue to research and investigate everything in search for answers, leaving no stone unturned. Their tenacity and dedication leaves FBI agents in the dust. They will do what it takes to put the word out, so that other moms and their children at least have a chance to not have to face the same fate.

Rochelle Brooks is such a mom.

(Copied from her public facebook post. Please note the many references to government websites.)

“Peer reviewed studies on vaccines that demonstrate vaccines are neither safe or effective.

Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders.
the potential effects of conjugate vaccines on neural development merit close examination. Conjugate vaccines fundamentally change the manner in which the immune systems of infants and young children function by deviating their immune responses to the targeted carbohydrate antigens from a state of hypo-responsiveness to a robust B2 B cell mediated response. This period of hypo-responsiveness to carbohydrate antigens coincides with the intense myelination process in infants and young children, and conjugate vaccines may have disrupted evolutionary forces that favored early brain development over the need to protect infants and young children from capsular bacteria.

Serological association of measles virus and human herpesvirus-6 with brain autoantibodies in autism.
Considering an autoimmunity and autism connection, brain autoantibodies to myelin basic protein (anti-MBP) and neuron-axon filament protein (anti-NAFP) have been found in autistic children. In this current study, we examined associations between virus serology and autoantibody by simultaneous analysis of measles virus antibody (measles-IgG), human herpesvirus-6 antibody (HHV-6-IgG), anti-MBP, and anti-NAFP. We found that measles-IgG and HHV-6-IgG titers were moderately higher in autistic children but they did not significantly differ from normal controls. Moreover, we found that a vast majority of virus serology-positive autistic sera was also positive for brain autoantibody: (i) 90% of measles-IgG-positive autistic sera was also positive for anti-MBP; (ii) 73% of measles-IgG-positive autistic sera was also positive for anti-NAFP; (iii) 84% of HHV-6-IgG-positive autistic sera was also positive for anti-MBP; and (iv) 72% of HHV-6-IgG-positive autistic sera was also positive for anti-NAFP. This study is the first to report an association between virus serology and brain autoantibody in autism; it supports the hypothesis that a virus-induced autoimmune response may play a causal role in autism.

Effectiveness of pertussis vaccines for adolescents and adults: case-control study
The adjusted estimate of effectiveness of Tdap vaccination against pertussis was 53.0.

Neurologic Adverse Events Following Vaccination (Progress in Health Sciences Vol. 2(1) 2012•pp 129-141.)
“Conclusions: Despite the assurances of the necessity and safety of vaccinations, there are more and more questions and doubts, which both physicians and parents are waiting to be clarified… It seems that it would be worthwhile to apply the precautionary principle – the ethical principle (from 1988) according to which if there is a probable, although poorly known, risk of adverse effects of new technology, it is better not to implement it rather than risk uncertain but potentially very harmful consequences.”

Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.
“Thus the MMR antibody in autistic sera detected measles HA protein, which is unique to the measles subunit of the vaccine. Furthermore, over 90% of MMR antibody-positive autistic sera were also positive for MBP autoantibodies, suggesting a strong association between MMR and CNS autoimmunity in autism. Stemming from this evidence, we suggest that an inappropriate antibody response to MMR, specifically the measles component thereof, might be related to pathogenesis of autism.”

Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease
Closer examination of influenza vaccine policies shows that although proponents employ the rhetoric of science, the studies underlying the policy are often of low quality, and do not substantiate officials’ claims. The vaccine might be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed, and the threat of influenza appears overstated.

An unmasking phenomenon in an observational post-licensure safety study of adolescent girls and young women.
Our recent experience in a post-licensure safety study of autoimmune conditions following the quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in 189,629 girls and young women ages 9-26 years led us to question the adequacy of the exclusion of Day 0 events to prevent the erroneous association of prevalent conditions with vaccination. Of the 18 confirmed cases of Graves’ disease diagnosed in days 1-60 following vaccination, only 6 cases appeared to be truly new onset. Among the remaining 12 cases, 2 cases had abnormal thyroid stimulating hormone or thyroxine labs drawn prior to or on Day 0 but had no documented pre-existing symptoms. The other 10 cases had mention of symptoms of hyperthyroidism referencing a period prior to first HPV-4 dose. This ‘unmasking’ phenomenon, due to health care visits that include vaccination and new workups of preexisting symptoms, may not be adequately controlled through the exclusion of Day 0 events.

How aluminum, an intracellular ROS generator promotes hepatic and neurological diseases: the metabolic tale
Metal pollutants are a global health risk due to their ability to contribute to a variety of diseases. Aluminum (Al), a ubiquitous environmental contaminant is implicated in anemia, osteomalacia, hepatic disorder, and neurological disorder. In this review, we outline how this intracellular generator of reactive oxygen species (ROS) triggers a metabolic shift towards lipogenesis in astrocytes and hepatocytes. This Al-evoked phenomenon is coupled to diminished mitochondrial activity, anerobiosis, and the channeling of α-ketoacids towards anti-oxidant defense. The resulting metabolic reconfiguration leads to fat accumulation and a reduction in ATP synthesis, characteristics that are common to numerous medical disorders. Hence, the ability of Al toxicity to create an oxidative environment promotes dysfunctional metabolic processes in astrocytes and hepatocytes. These molecular events triggered by Al-induced ROS production are the potential mediators of brain and liver disorders.”

Waning of Maternal Antibodies Against Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella in Communities With Contrasting Vaccination Coverage
Conclusions: Children of mothers vaccinated against measles and, possibly, rubella have lower concentrations of maternal antibodies and lose protection by maternal antibodies at an earlier age than children of mothers in communities that oppose vaccination. This increases the risk of disease transmission in highly vaccinated populations.

On the other hand in a small minority of individuals vaccine can trigger the appearance of autoantibodies as documented by Vista et al.17 and Perdan-Pirkmajer et al.18 Moreover, a link between immunization and defined autoimmune diseases has been reported elsewhere and herein.

“In 1990, infants received a total of 15 vaccine doses prior to their first year of life: 3 DPT injections (9 vaccine doses), 3 polio, and 3 Hib vaccines—5 vaccine doses at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. By 2007, the CDC recommended 26 vaccine doses for infants: 3 DTaP, 3 polio, 3 Hib, 3 hepatitis B, 3 pneumococcal, 3 rotavirus, and 2 influenza vaccines. While each childhood vaccine has individually undergone clinical trials to assess safety, studies have not been conducted to determine the safety (or efficacy) of combining vaccines during a single physician visit as recommended by CDC guidelines. For example, 2-, 4-, and 6-month-old infants are expected to receive vaccines for polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, rotavirus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and pneumococcal, all during a single well-baby visit—even though this combination of 8 vaccine doses was never tested in clinical trials.
An article written by Guess, representing a vaccine manufacturer, claimed that it is “impractical to conduct preapproval studies of all combinations [of vaccines] in clinical practice.”1 However, a recent study by Miller and Goldman found that among the developed nations, infant mortality increased with an increase in the number of vaccine doses.2 Similar associations have also been found with respect to other serious adverse outcomes. Delong reported that the higher the proportion of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher the prevalence of autism or speech and language impairment.3 A CDC report on mixed exposures to chemical substances and other stressors, including prescribed pharmaceuticals, found that they may produce “increased or unexpected deleterious health effects.” In addition, “exposures to mixed stressors can produce health consequences that are additive, synergistic, antagonistic, or can potentiate the response expected from individual component exposures.”4 Administering six, seven, or eight vaccine doses to an infant during a single physician visit may certainly be more convenient for parents—rather than making additional trips to the doctor’s office—but evidence of a positive association between infant adverse reactions and the number of vaccine doses administered confirms that vaccine safety must remain the highest priority”

“Maternal transfer of mercury to the developing embryo/fetus: is there a safe level?”
“This study focused on standardized embryonic and fetal Hg exposures via primary exposure to the pregnant mother of two common Hg sources (dietary fish and parenteral vaccines). Data demonstrated that Hg exposures, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy, at well-established dose/weight ratios produced severe damage to humans including death. . In light of research suggestive of a mercuric risk factor for childhood conditions such as tic disorders, cerebral palsy, and autism, it is essential that Hg advisories account for secondary prenatal human exposures.”

Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure
“Autism is a condition characterized by impaired cognitive and social skills, associated with compromised immune function. The incidence is alarmingly on the rise, and environmental factors are increasingly suspected to play a role. This paper investigates word frequency patterns in the U.S. CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database. Our results provide strong evidence supporting a link between autism and the aluminum in vaccines. A literature review showing toxicity of aluminum in human physiology offers further support. Mentions of autism in VAERS increased steadily at the end of the last century, during a period when mercury was being phased out, while aluminum adjuvant burden was being increased. Using standard log-likelihood ratio techniques, we identify several signs and symptoms that are significantly more prevalent in vaccine reports after 2000, including cellulitis, seizure, depression, fatigue, pain and death, which are also significantly associated with aluminum-containing vaccines. We propose that children with the autism diagnosis are especially vulnerable to toxic metals such as aluminum and mercury due to insufficient serum sulfate and glutathione. A strong correlation between autism and the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine is also observed, which may be partially explained via an increased sensitivity to acetaminophen administered to control fever.”

Acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was SIGNIFICANTLY associated with autistic disorder when considering children 5 years of age or less, after limiting cases to children with regression in development and when considering only children who had post-vaccination sequelae adjusting for age, gender, mother’s ethnicity, and the presence of illness concurrent with measles-mumps-rubella vaccination. Ibuprofen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was not associated with autistic disorder. This preliminary study found that acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was associated with autistic disorder.
A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having AUT or SLI. Neither parental behavior nor access to care affected the results, since vaccination proportions were not significantly related (statistically) to any other disability or to the number of pediatricians in a U.S. state. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted”

“Furthermore, while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated.”

Detection of fecal shedding of rotavirus vaccine in infants following their first dose of pentavalent rotavirus vaccine. (and how they blame everything on kids that are not vaccinated is beyond me! These vaccines are helping to keep diseases in circulation..)
Studies on rotavirus vaccine shedding and its potential transmission within households including immunocompromised individuals are needed to better define the potential risks and benefits of vaccination. We examined fecal shedding of pentavalent rotavirus vaccine (RV5) for 9 days following the first dose of vaccine in infants between 6 and 12 weeks of age. Rotavirus antigen was detected by enzyme immunoassay (EIA), and vaccine-type rotavirus was identified by nucleotide sequencing based on genetic relatedness to the RV5 VP6 gene. Stool from 22 (21.4%) of 103 children contained rotavirus antigen-positive specimens on ≥ 1 post-vaccination days. Rotavirus antigen was detected as early as post-vaccination day 3 and as late as day 9, with peak numbers of shedding on post-vaccination days 6 through 8. Vaccine-type rotavirus was detected in all 50 antigen-positive specimens and 8 of 8 antigen-negative specimens. Nine (75%) of 12 EIA-positive and 1 EIA-negative samples tested culture-positive for vaccine-type rotavirus. Fecal shedding of rotavirus vaccine virus after the first dose of RV5 occurred over a wide range of post-vaccination days not previously studied. These findings will help better define the potential for horizontal transmission of vaccine virus among immunocompromised household contacts of vaccinated infants for future studies

“Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study.”
“Using the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test for asthma status stratification, there was a significant association between hospitalization in asthmatic subjects and TIV (p = 0.001). TIV did not provide any protection against hospitalization in pediatric subjects, especially children with asthma. On the contrary, we found a threefold increased risk of hospitalization in subjects who did get the TIV vaccine. This may be a reflection not only of vaccine effectiveness but also the population of children who are more likely to get the vaccine.”

The odds of having a history of asthma was twice as great among vaccinated subjects than among unvaccinated subjects (adjusted odds ratio, 2.00; 95% confidence interval, 0.59 to 6.74). The odds of having had any allergy-related respiratory symptom in the past 12 months was 63% greater among vaccinated subjects than unvaccinated subjects (adjusted odds ratio, 1.63; 95% confidence interval, 1.05 to 2.54). The associations between vaccination and subsequent allergies and symptoms were greatest among children aged 5 through 10 years.
DTP or tetanus vaccination appears to increase the risk of allergies and related respiratory symptoms in children and adolescents. Although it is unlikely that these results are entirely because of any sources of bias, the small number of unvaccinated subjects and the study design limit our ability to make firm causal inferences about the true magnitude of effect.

Four to 12 days post 12 month vaccination, children had a 1.33 (1.29–1.38) increased relative incidence of the combined endpoint compared to the control period, or at least one event during the risk interval for every 168 children vaccinated. Ten to 12 days post 18 month vaccination, the relative incidence was 1.25 (95%, 1.17–1.33) which represented at least one excess event for every 730 children vaccinated. The primary reason for increased events was statistically significant elevations in emergency room visits following all vaccinations. There were non-significant increases in hospital admissions. There were an additional 20 febrile seizures for every 100,000 vaccinated at 12 months.
There are significantly elevated risks of primarily emergency room visits approximately one to two weeks following 12 and 18 month vaccination. Future studies should examine whether these events could be predicted or prevented

“Administration of thimerosal to infant rats increases overflow of glutamate and aspartate in the prefrontal cortex: protective role of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. “
In summary, the present study documents that exposure of infant rats to THIM perturbs the balance between excitatory and inhibitory amino acids in the brain, shifting it toward excessive neuroexcitation. Despite of intrinsic limitations, present findings have important clinical implications, as they provide a plausible mechanism, whereby THIM exerts neurotoxic effects in the brain. It is likely that this mercurial—still present in pediatric vaccines in many countries—causes a similar disturbance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brains of human infants, leading to neurotoxicity, encephalopaties, and in consequence to neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism..*On the whole, the current study provides further empirical evidence that exposure to THIM leads to neurotoxic changes in the developing brain, arguing for urgent and permanent removal of this preservative from all vaccines for children (and adults) since effective, less toxic and less costly alternatives are available. The stubborn insistence of some vaccine manufacturers and health agencies on continuation of use of this proven neurotoxin in vaccines is testimony of their disregard for both the health of young generations and for the environment.*

“Thus vaccination DOES NOT account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century”

Thimerosal, an organomercurial added as a preservative to some vaccines, is a suspected iatrogenic factor, possibly contributing to paediatric neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. We examined the effects of early postnatal administration of thimerosal (four i.m. injections, 12 or 240 μg THIM-Hg/kg, on postnatal days 7, 9, 11 and 15) on brain pathology in Wistar rats. Numerous neuropathological changes were observed in young adult rats which were treated postnatally with thimerosal. They included: ischaemic degeneration of neurons and “dark” neurons in the prefrontal and temporal cortex, the hippocampus and the cerebellum, pathological changes of the blood vessels in the temporal cortex, diminished synaptophysin reaction in the hippocampus, atrophy of astroglia in the hippocampus and cerebellum, and positive caspase-3 reaction in Bergmann astroglia. These findings document neurotoxic effects of thimerosal, at doses equivalent to those used in infant vaccines or higher, in developing rat brain, suggesting likely involvement of this mercurial in neurodevelopmental disorders.

“Despite widespread vaccination, whooping cough incidence is on the rise worldwide, making it the only vaccine-preventable disease associated with increasing deaths in the United States. Although this disease is most often attributed to Bordetella pertussis infection, it is also caused by the closely related pathogen, B. parapertussis. However, B. pertussis has remained the center of attention, whereas B. parapertussis has been greatly overlooked in the development of whooping cough vaccines.
vaccination led to a 40-fold enhancement of B. parapertussis colonization in the lungs of mice.. these data suggest that the vaccine may be contributing to the observed rise in whooping cough incidence over the last decade by promoting B. parapertussis infection.”

Despite widespread childhood vaccination against Bordetella pertussis, disease remains prevalent. It has been suggested that acellular vaccine may be less effective than previously believed. During a large outbreak, we examined the incidence of pertussis and effectiveness of vaccination in a well-vaccinated, well-defined community.. Our data suggests that the current schedule of acellular pertussis vaccine doses is insufficient to prevent outbreaks of pertussis.

The data included 515 never vaccinated, 423 partially vaccinated, and 239 completely vaccinated children. In multiple regression analyses there were significant ( P < .0005) and dose-dependent negative relationships between vaccination refusal and self-reported asthma or hay fever only in children with no family history of the condition and, for asthma, in children with no exposure to antibiotics during infancy. Vaccination refusal was also significantly ( P < .005) and negatively associated with self-reported eczema and current wheeze. A sensitivity analysis indicated that substantial biases would be required to overturn the observed associations. CONCLUSION: Parents who refuse vaccinations reported less asthma and allergies in their unvaccinated children. Although this relationship was independent of measured confounders, it could be due to differences in other unmeasured lifestyle factors or systematic bias. Further research is needed to verify these results and investigate which exposures are driving the associations between vaccination refusal and allergic disease.

“Unvaccinated children tended to be white, to have a mother who was married and had a college degree, to live in a household with an annual income exceeding $75,000 dollars, and to have parents who expressed concerns regarding the safety of vaccines and indicated that medical doctors have little influence over vaccination decisions for their children.”

“Virus-induced autoimmunity may play a causal role in autism. To examine the etiologic link of viruses in this brain disorder, we conducted a serologic study of measles virus, mumps virus, and rubella virus. Viral antibodies were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the serum of autistic children, normal children, and siblings of autistic children. The level of measles antibody, but not mumps or rubella antibodies, was significantly higher in autistic children as compared with normal children (P = 0.003) or siblings of autistic children (P
We do not vaccinate against yellow fever in the US but this still is of importance because it shows that things like this can and HAVE happened.
“However, in 2001, the vaccine was found to cause a serious, frequently fatal, multisystemic illness, called yellow fever vaccine–associated viscerotropic disease (YEL-AVD), which resembles the illness it was designed to prevent (1–3). “

Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccine in the Community-Dwelling Elderly
“Most high-risk medical conditions that were measured were more prevalent among vaccinated than among unvaccinated persons.”

” The aim of this study was to compare the number of inactivated-influenza vaccine–related spontaneous abortion and stillbirth (SB) reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database during three consecutive flu seasons beginning 2008/2009 and assess the relative fetal death reports associated with the two-vaccine 2009/2010 season. The VAERS database was searched for reports of fetal demise following administration of the influenza vaccine/vaccines to pregnant women.. reporting bias was too low to explain the magnitude increase in fetal-demise reporting rates in the VAERS database relative to the reported annual trends. Thus, a synergistic fetal toxicity likely resulted from the administration of both the pandemic (A-H1N1) and seasonal influenza vaccines during the 2009/2010 season.”

Hepatitis B vaccine might be followed by various rheumatic conditions and might trigger the onset of underlying inflammatory or autoimmune rheumatic diseases.. Further epidemiological studies are needed to establish whether hepatitis B vaccination is associated or not with an incidence of rheumatic disorders higher than normal. A few cases of onset or reactivation of SLE after vaccination against hepatitis B have been described. The onset of symptoms occurred within 5 days–1 month after the immunization. Two patients had a lupus nephritis (associated in one with fever and arthralgia), one patient had pericarditis, one had thrombocytopenic purpura.. We observed four patients with myalgia and polyarthralgia, and, in three of them, fatigue following hepatitis B vaccination. These manifestations can be connected to the chronic fatigue syndrome. A few years ago, an independent working group agreed that there was no evidence of a cause–effect relationship between hepatitis B vaccine and chronic fatigue syndrome [37]. However, the number of patients followed up may have been too small to detect a slight increase in the relative risk.
Various other conditions following hepatitis B vaccination have been described. They include erythema nodosum and polyarthritis [21], erythema nodosum with arthralgia and Takayasu’s arteritis [38], vasculitis [39–41], polyarthritis associated with hypercalcaemia and lytic bone lesions [29].

“Autoimmunity to the central nervous system (CNS), especially to myelin basic protein (MBP), may play a causal role in autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder. Because many autistic children harbor elevated levels of measles antibodies, we conducted a serological study of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and MBP autoantibodies. Using serum samples of 125 autistic children and 92 control children, antibodies were assayed by ELISA or immunoblotting methods. ELISA analysis showed a significant increase in the level of MMR antibodies in autistic children. Immunoblotting analysis revealed the presence of an unusual MMR antibody in 75 of 125 (60%) autistic sera but not in control sera. This antibody specifically detected a protein of 73-75 kD of MMR. This protein band, as analyzed with monoclonal anti bodies, was immunopositive for measles hemagglutinin (HA) protein but not for measles nucleoprotein and rubella or mumps viral proteins. Thus the MMR antibody in autistic sera detected measles HA protein, which is unique to the measles subunit of the vaccine. Furthermore, over 90% of MMR antibody-positive autistic sera were also positive for MBP autoantibodies, suggesting a strong association between MMR and CNS autoimmunity in autism. Stemming from this evidence, we suggest that an inappropriate antibody response to MMR, specifically the measles component thereof, might be related to pathogenesis of autism.”

“Autoimmune hazards of hepatitis B vaccine”
“According to Hippocratic tradition, the safety level of a preventive medicine must be very high, as it is aimed at protecting people against diseases that they may not contract. This paper points out that information on the safety of hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) is biased as compared to classical requirements of evidence-based medicine (EBM), as exemplified by a documented selectivity in the presentation or even publication of available clinical or epidemiological data. Then, a review is made of data suggesting that HBV is remarkable by the frequency, the severity and the variety of its complications, some of them probably related to a mechanism of molecular mimicry leading to demyelinating diseases, and the others reproducing the spectrum of non-hepatic manifestations of natural hepatitis B. To be explained, this unusual spectrum of toxicity requires additional investigations based upon complete release of available data.
-More research is necessary and there is a need that the scientific community exerts pressure on health authorities to obtain that all existing data become available for peer-reviewed debate.
-There is an impressive convergence of data given credibility to a potential of this vaccine to induce severe and irreversible central demyelinating disorders.
-A number of clinical or epidemiological data on the safety hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) have not been published and do not seem to be.
-Modern vaccine research and development does not comply with basic requirements of evidence based medicine (EBM).”

“We find that ethylmercury not only inhibits mitochondrial respiration leading to a drop in the steady state membrane potential, but also concurrent with these phenomena increases the formation of superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and Fenton/Haber-Weiss generated hydroxyl radical. These oxidants increase the levels of cellular aldehyde/ketones. Additionally, we find a five-fold increase in the levels of oxidant damaged mitochondrial DNA bases and increases in the levels of mtDNA nicks and blunt-ended breaks.. These mitochondria appear to have undergone a permeability transition, an observation supported by the five-fold increase in Caspase-3 activity observed after Thimerosal treatment.”

The future of measles in highly immunized population. A modeling approach
However, despite short-term success in eliminating the disease, long-range projections demonstrate that the proportion of susceptibles in the year 2050 may be greater than in the prevaccine era. Present vaccine technology and public health policy must be altered to deal with this eventuality.

Prior to the introduction of vaccines, children who were absent at a village examination had the same mortality as children who were present. During 1984-1987, children receiving DTP at 2-8 months of age had higher mortality over the next 6 months, the mortality rate ratio (MR) being 1.92 (95% CI: 1.04, 3.52) compared with DTP-unvaccinated children, adjusting for age, sex, season, period, BCG, and region. The MR was 1.81 (95% CI: 0.95, 3.45) for the first dose of DTP and 4.36 (95% CI: 1.28, 14.9) for the second and third dose. BCG was associated with slightly lower mortality (MR = 0.63, 95% CI: 0.30, 1.33), the MR for DTP and BCG being significantly inversed. Following subsequent visits and further vaccinations with DTP and measles vaccine, there was no difference in vaccination coverage and subsequent mortality between the DTP-vaccinated group and the initially DTP-unvaccinated group (MR = 1.06, 95% CI: 0.78, 1.44).
In low-income countries with high mortality, DTP as the last vaccine received may be associated with slightly increased mortality. Since the pattern was inversed for BCG, the effect is unlikely to be due to higher-risk children having received vaccination. The role of DTP in high mortality areas needs to be clarified.

Aluminium is the most widely distributed metal in the environment and is extensively used in daily life that provides easy exposure to human beings. The exposure to this toxic metal occurs through air, food and water. However, there is no known physiological role for aluminium within the body and hence this metal may produce adverse physiological effects. Chronic exposure of animals to aluminium is associated with behavioural, neuropathological and neurochemical changes. Among them, deficits of learning and behavioural functions are most evident. Some epidemiological studies have shown poor performance in cognitive tests and a higher abundance of neurological symptoms for workers occupationally exposed to aluminium.

High blood mercury level was associated with ADHD. Whether the relationship is causal requires further studies.

Abstract: Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. In our opinion, the possibility that vaccine benefits may have been overrated and the risk of potential adverse effects underestimated, has not been rigorously evaluated in the medical and scientific community. We hope that the present paper will provide a framework for a much needed and long overdue assessment of this highly contentious medical issue.

Failure of the excretory system influences elimination of heavy metals and facilitates their accumulation and subsequent manifestation as neurotoxins: the long-term consequences of which would lead to neurodegeneration, cognitive and developmental problems. It may also influence regulation of neural hyperthermia. This article explores the issues and concludes that sensory dysfunction and systemic failure, manifested as autism, is the inevitable consequence arising from subtle DNA alteration and consequently from the overuse of vaccines.

600 Autism studies linking vaccines:

Lasting neuropathological changes in rat brain after intermittent neonatal administration of thimerosal. “These findings document neurotoxic effects of thimerosal, at doses equivalent to those used in infant vaccines or higher, in developing rat brain, suggesting likely involvement of this mercurial in neurodevelopmental disorders”

The ACIP policy recommendation of routinely administering influenza vaccine during pregnancy is ill-advised and unsupported by current scientific literature, and it should be withdrawn. Use of thimerosal during pregnancy should be contraindicated.
adult influenza vaccines contain an equivalent of 25 µg of mercury per dose (Table 1). An average-sized pregnant woman receiving an influenza vaccine will be exposed to organic mercury that exceeds the EPA limit by a factor of 3.5 (Table 4). The fetus could potentially receive a dose of mercury that exceeds EPAlimits by a much larger factor. Furthermore, fetal blood mercury concentrations have been shown to be as much as 4.3 times the maternal level. Alarger proportion of ethyl mercury accumulates in fetal tissues relative to maternal tissues, especially in the central nervous system. The observation of a 7.8-15.7% prevalence of elevated umbilical cord mercury in the United States, at levels associated with loss of IQ, adds to the significance of additional mercury exposure from prenatal vaccination.

“Prior to contemporary vaccination programs, ‘Crib death’ was so infrequent that it was not mentioned in infant mortality statistics. In the United States, national immunization campaigns were initiated in the 1960s when several new vaccines were introduced and actively recommended. For the first time in history, most US infants were required to receive several doses of DPT, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines.14 Shortly thereafter, in 1969, medical certifiers presented a new medical term—sudden infant death syndrome.”

“One of the challenges of evidence-based evaluation of vaccines is that some effects, e.g. rare adverse effects following immunization (AEFI) or population effects, are usually difficult or impossible to assess in pre-marketing clinical trials due to their limited size and are unknown at the time of recommendation [6] and [7]. The respective evidence arises usually through post-marketing surveillance. Another challenge is the use of immunogenicity markers in vaccine studies. While these accepted correlates of protection are adequate for regulatory purposes, they are considered indirect evidence and are therefore of lesser quality with regard to the primary question of how effectively a vaccine can prevent the disease. Generating the evidence through randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the post-marketing phase might be difficult for ethical reasons or logistically challenging and very expensive. Therefore, one often has to rely on epidemiological observational studies to adjust programs. According to the principles of epidemiology and the criteria of evidence-based medicine (EBM), however, observational studies have greater potential for bias and confounding compared to RCTs, and may be attributed a lower score of quality of evidence even though they could have been designed and implemented very well and lead to results that are relevant and more valid (e.g. post-licensure studies on measles vaccine safety [8]). Lower grading from observational studies could potentially lead to a lower public confidence in recommendations and immunization programs “

“Formaldehyde has been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research studies of workers exposed to formaldehyde have suggested an association between formaldehyde exposure and several cancers, including nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia.”

“ However, since vaccine preparation involves the use of materials of biological origin, vaccines are subject to contamination by micro-organisms. In fact, vaccine contamination has occurred; a historical example of vaccine contamination, for example, can be found in the early days of development of the smallpox vaccine. The introduction of new techniques of vaccine virus production on cell cultures has lead to safer vaccines, but has not completely removed the risk of virus contamination. There are several examples of vaccine contamination, for example, contamination of human vaccines against poliomyelitis by SV40 virus from the use of monkey primary renal cells. Several veterinary vaccines have been contaminated by pestiviruses from foetal calf serum.
These incidents have lead industry to change certain practices and regulatory authorities to develop more stringent and detailed requirements. But the increasing number of target species for vaccines, the diversity of the origin of biological materials and the extremely high number of known and unknown viruses and their constant evolution represent a challenge to vaccine producers and regulatory authorities.”

Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) is highly prevalent in swine and was recently reported in some rotavirus vaccines. Since animal-derived raw materials, such as cells, trypsin, and serum, can be a major source of introducing virus contamination in biological products, we have investigated PCV1 in several cell lines obtained from ATCC that have broad use in research, diagnostics, or vaccine development. It is expected that these cell lines have been exposed to bovine and porcine viruses during their establishment and passage history due to the use of serum and trypsin that was not qualified according to current testing guidances or processed using new virus-inactivation methods. This study showed that Vero, MRC-5, and CEFs, which represent cell substrates used in some U.S. licensed vaccines, and other cell lines used in investigational vaccines, such as MDCK, HEK-293, HeLa, and A549, were negative for PCV1 using a nested PCR assay; some were also confirmed negative by infectivity analysis. However, MDBK cells, which are used for some animal vaccines, contained PCV1 sequences, although no virus was isolated. Although the results showed that PCV infection may not have occurred under previous culture conditions, the recent cases of vaccine contamination emphasizes the need for continued efforts to reduce the likelihood of introducing viruses from animal-derived materials used in product manufacture.

Autism: a novel form of mercury poisoning
“Thimerosal, a preservative added to many vaccines, has become a major source of mercury in children who, within their first two years, may have received a quantity of mercury that exceeds safety guidelines. A review of medical literature and US government data suggests that: (i) many cases of idiopathic autism are induced by early mercury exposure from thimerosal; (ii) this type of autism represents an unrecognized mercurial syndrome; and (iii) genetic and non-genetic factors establish a predisposition whereby thimerosal’s adverse effects occur only in some children.”

“These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that immunization with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine is associated with an increased risk of MS, and challenge the idea that the relation between hepatitis B vaccination and risk of MS is well understood. “

“Hepatitis B vaccination does not generally increase the risk of CNS inflammatory demyelination in childhood. However, the Engerix B vaccine appears to increase this risk, particularly for confirmed multiple sclerosis, in the longer term.”

“A majority of the ophthalmological complications seen following hepatitis B vaccination consist of vision loss, optic neuritis, papillary edema, uveitis, acute placoid pigment epitheliopathy and central vein occlusion. We present a 9-year-old girl who was referred to our hospital with decrease in vision and pain in the left eye a week after hepatitis B vaccination. A diagnosis of vaccine induced optic neuritis was made.”

Acute Fulminant Myocarditis after Diphtheria, Polio, and Tetanus Vaccination
A previously healthy 8-month-old female baby, body height 67cm and body weight 8.0kg, suffered from fever (38.3°C) 12 hours after she received triple vaccination against diphtheria, polio, and tetanus. Dyspnea occurred 3 days later. She presented with poor activity, persistent dyspnea with subcostal retraction and skin mottling 5 days later. There was no prior history of adverse reactions to previous diphtheria, polio, and tetanus vaccinations, or other vaccinations.
poor ventricular contractility recurred 2 months Cardiac catheterization showed patent coronary arteries and a left ventricular ejection fraction of 14%. Endomyocardial biopsy was still not attempted due to poor general condition. The patient died while waiting for heart transplantation.

Myocarditis after triple immunisation.
“We describe a 3 month old infant who developed myocarditis several hours after diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccination. The time of occurrence of symptoms, the clinical course, and the negative virological studies suggest a possible cardiogenic adverse reaction to the vaccine.

” Inflammation, platelet reactivity and cardiac autonomic dysfunction increase the risk of cardiovascular events, but the relationships between these prognostic markers are poorly defined. In this study, we investigated the effect of an inflammatory stimulus (influenza A vaccine) on platelet activation and cardiac autonomic function.. Together with an inflammatory reaction, influenza A vaccine induced platelet activation and sympathovagal imbalance towards adrenergic predominance. Significant correlations were found between CRP levels and HRV parameters, suggesting a pathophysiological link between inflammation and cardiac autonomic regulation. The vaccine-related platelet activation and cardiac autonomic dysfunction may transiently increase the risk of cardiovascular events.”

Impairments in social relatedness and communication, repetitive behaviors, and stereotypic abnormal movement patterns characterize autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). It is clear that while genetic factors are important to the pathogenesis of ASDs, mercury exposure can induce immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions similar to traits defining or associated with ASDs. The Institutional Review Board of the Institute for Chronic Illnesses (Office for Human Research Protections, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, IRB number IRB00005375) approved the present study. A case series of nine patients who presented to the Genetic Centers of America for a genetic/developmental evaluation are discussed. Eight of nine patients (one patient was found to have an ASD due to Rett’s syndrome) (a) had regressive ASDs; (b) had elevated levels of androgens; (c) excreted significant amounts of mercury post chelation challenge; (d) had biochemical evidence of decreased function in their glutathione pathways; (e) had no known significant mercury exposure except from Thimerosal-containing vaccines/Rho(D)-immune globulin preparations; and (f) had alternate causes for their regressive ASDs ruled out. There was a significant dose-response relationship between the severity of the regressive ASDs observed and the total mercury dose children received from Thimerosal-containing vaccines/Rho (D)-immune globulin preparations. Based upon differential diagnoses, 8 of 9 patients examined were exposed to significant mercury from Thimerosal-containing biologic/vaccine preparations during their fetal/infant developmental periods, and subsequently, between 12 and 24 mo of age, these previously normally developing children suffered mercury toxic encephalopathies that manifested with clinical symptoms consistent with regressive ASDs. Evidence for mercury intoxication should be considered in the differential diagnosis as contributing to some regressive ASDs.

“Vaccine-type rotavirus was detected in all 50 antigen-positive specimens and 8 of 8 antigen-negative specimens. Nine (75%) of 12 EIA-positive and 1 EIA-negative samples tested culture-positive for vaccine-type rotavirus. Fecal shedding of rotavirus vaccine virus after the first dose of RV5 occurred over a wide range of post-vaccination days not previously studied.”

“ Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study.”
“Using the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test for asthma status stratification, there was a significant association between hospitalization in asthmatic subjects and TIV (p = 0.001). TIV did not provide any protection against hospitalization in pediatric subjects, especially children with asthma. On the contrary, we found a threefold increased risk of hospitalization in subjects who did get the TIV vaccine. This may be a reflection not only of vaccine effectiveness but also the population of children who are more likely to get the vaccine.” Allergy Asthma Proc. 2 ”

mother's intuition

Thank you Rochelle, Marcella and the Thinking Mom’s Revolution

Rebellious thoughts on Pope Haters and Lovers


In a rebellious mood today. With all the algorithms of pope haters and pope lovers in social media, how can I not be? Why give a man or any outside influence any power at all? No I am not – nor do I think I know – any better. Just different from separatist thinking.

Found the perfect song to see me through the hurdles of keeping humanity – and particularly the way I see humanity –  in the illusion of separation. Having a blast celebrating the androgynous rebel in me, and ALL ♡

The Cholesterol Myth – Another game of smoke and mirrors

smoke & mirrors

In 2010 Dr. Mercola was spot on with his take on cholesterol, and more doctors and health care professionals, especially those who choose to find answers outside conventional medical training, are starting to speak the same language now.

“That’s right, you do need cholesterol.
This soft, waxy substance is found not only in your bloodstream, but also in every cell in your body, where it helps to produce cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help you to digest fat. Cholesterol also helps in the formation of your memories and is vital for neurological function.”
“The American Heart Association recommends that your total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg/dL, but what they do not tell you is that total cholesterol level is just about worthless in determining your risk for heart disease, unless it is above 300.
In addition, the AHA updated their guidelines in 2004, lowering the recommended level of LDL cholesterol from 130 to LDL to less than 100, or even less than 70 for patients at very high risk.
In order to achieve these outrageous and dangerously low targets, you typically need to take multiple cholesterol-lowering drugs. So the guidelines instantly increased the market for these dangerous drugs. Now, with testing children’s cholesterol levels, they’re increasing their market even more.”

“Story at-a-glance

  • Cholesterol has been unfairly blamed for just about every case of heart disease for the last 20 years, when in reality, you need cholesterol in order to be healthy; your body uses cholesterol for cell membranes, hormones, neurotransmitters and overall nerve function
  • Your total cholesterol number is not a good indicator of heart disease risk; there are several laboratory values that are better predictors of heart disease and overall health risk
  • Having an optimal vitamin D level is crucial for good health, and vitamin D synthesis depends on cholesterol
  • Cholesterol level reflects chronic inflammation in your body; the more inflammation you have, the higher your total cholesterol tends to be. Your body makes cholesterol to “patch up damages” from this ongoing inflammation

See the entire article by Dr. Joseph Mercola

See the movie, Statin Nation, for an in depth look at the level of deception, and some real answers.
