Vaccines work

“Hillary Clinton says Grandma knows best… Vaccines work”

~ Annette Kelly

Above public comment was placed below a live facebook video report during Andrew Wakefield’s visit to Florence, Italy. A perfect place to further the conversations the movie VaxXed has sparked.

This may well be an astroturf (paid fake grassroots) comment, but it presented a flashback moment of this video:

This represents a perfect learning moment. How scientific is official science? Do we hear Dr. Succhat provide any credible evidence, or references to scientific literature to back up her statements? Is her military attire supposed to enhance her “authority in the field” of “immunization”. There is plenty of evidence of auto immune dis-ease as a direct result of vaccination, especially within the military. Think anthrax vaccine and Gulf War Syndrome. Think how soldiers have been used as test subjects by subjecting them to all kinds of neurotoxins (DDT, Agent Orange) unnecessary medical interventions including vaccines, causing extensive and often still visible long-term harm.

So I had to respond. Not to blame the government, or the industry, but to point out the obvious: we each take part in the way we go about our lives, and in the way we see and do things. I am taking response-ability here: the ability to respond to my thoughts and emotions without shame or guilt, and with compassion for all involved. I invite each one who reads this to do the same, as we find ourselves in the midst of a major paradigm shift. Compassion means forgiving, without forgetting. It means allowing everyone to learn, and allowing appropriate consequences to flow forth from our individual and collective actions, and inactions.

Sharing my response to above “vaccines work” comment:

“Sure they do. To serve a genocidal agenda via a mandated chemically induced holocaust. Don’t take my word for it. Read any vaccine insert, look at several. Look for the presence of foreign DNA (animal or human cell lines from aborted fetal tissue). Go to article 13, and 13.1. Read and you will find that no vaccine has ever been tested for mutagenic (cancer causing) and carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects.
The grandmotherly advice of polished politicians and Dr. Ann Succhat (introduced by Elizabeth Warren as the top authority on “immunization”) in military attire, is reminiscent of a time where fascism and Nazis ran the show.

Question is, have we allowed that trend to continue behind the scenes, in much more subtle and subliminal ways? This “grandmotherly” advice you speak of, only brings comfort to those who have bought into years of clever marketing and propaganda, and who are unwittingly harming their own children. Many parents of vaccine injured children are only starting to realize this now. A growing number of medical professionals are waking up to this as well. #VaxXed is a brilliant way to keep the conversation of vaccine injuries going, and the corruption behind it. The more you look into actual science behind vaccine ideology, and the lack of science to prove efficacy and safety, the more the blinders are coming of. The industrial age, and the war mind set behind it, is coming apart by the seams.

#VaxXed is pro science, an unstoppable movement to forever change the perspective and course of medical science. To further the plight of humanity via the sharing of evidence, both scientific and testimonial, on a human level. A huge thank you is due, to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Polly Tommey, and the ever growing team #VaxXed, which today also includes Sheila Ealey, once pro-vaccine Marcella Piper-Terry (award winning researcher, well on her way to become a CDC scientist when her 15-year-old daughter suffered a vaccine injury, and who then had to give up her planned career to spend years researching to help heal her daughter, as well as other vaccine injured ones) of vaxtruth.orgMarch Against Monsanto, and Dr. Suzanne Humphries.
Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul into this most important work. Those who have a heart, do have the courage to listen. If anything, you have already proven as much!”

Call from the wild

​We are calling the Grandmothers,

Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Daughters

The wild women

The crones

The seers and midwives

The mountain and desert women

The soul summoners

The water carriers

The tenders and feelers of Earth

The ocean women who are rising the tide

The fire women who are ready to roar

The girls who already breathe consciously with the trees

and the Elders who choose to sing the song that ends the desecration of our world –

We are calling you to to rise together now –

You are invited – to unite and awaken

to who and what you really are,

on behalf of the forests, on behalf of the trees,

on behalf of Life.

~ Clare Dubois
We invite you to join Clare Dubois, founder of TreeSisters in an intimate and catalytic conversation with Chameli Ardagh, founder of Awakening Women Institute. This interview marks the launch of a very special series of conversations with pioneers of feminine leadership….
~ The TreeSisters Feminine Awakening Series ~

Unlocking the floodgates of feminine consciousness and nature-based leadership
WHEN: now through Thursday, October 20
WHO: The Feminine Awakening Series features… (when you register all recordings are available)
Chameli Ardagh, founder of Awakening Women Institute

Tue, Sept 27
Nina Simons, co-founder and co-CEO of Bioneers

Sat, Oct 1
Osprey Orielle Lake, Executive Director of the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network

Thu, Oct 6
Eve Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues and founder of

Sat, Oct 8 
Rachel Bagby, award-winning performance artist, author, poet, composer, and vocalist

Tue, Oct 11
Atossa Soltani, Founder & Board President of Amazon Watch

Wed, Oct 12
Barbara Marx Hubbard, futurist, author and public speaker

Patricia Ellsberg, spiritual teacher and coach

Sat, Oct 15
Natalie Isaacs – Founder of One Million Women

Tue, Oct 18
Closing Celebration

Thu, Oct 20
This series is hosted by: Clare Dubois, founder of TreeSisters
Take Your Seat Here >>