Yorick’s teachings

Yorick (36 pound Lemurian crystal skull from Antarctica) first visited me via an apparition, between waking and dreaming. It was a personal invitation to attend the activations of the grids in several powerspots in the US, starting in NYC, at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. center. These activations were given by Mayan elders (male and female), 13 crystal skulls and their keepers. Yorick wasn’t part of these 13, and yet, he was. He wasn’t on the stage with the others, and yet, he was.

That first moment of Yorick’s visit was startling, to say the least. I had never even heard of crystal skulls. I had been working with crystals for a while now, and was co-creating crystal elixirs, but this apparition… I had no idea what this was, or represented. A skull and spine had appeared next to my bed, in front of my night stand, emanating liquid golden light. Though startled at first, the light resonated same as the Mahatma, Love without condition I had begun to work with in all my energy exchanges.

I pinched myself, to see if this was “real”. I felt the pinch, and the apparition was still right next to me. It had my full attention.

Cropped image of crystal skull Max, which closely resembles what I saw.

So I greeted and welcomed this being, and telepathically answered its communication by giving my permission to download the expansive light codes it was offering. Feeling infinitely Loved and nurtured now, I watched the apparition disappear as abruptly as it had appeared before.

Sometime the next morning, checking my email, I found an invitation on behalf of a group of Mayan Elders, to attend a ceremony with thirteen crystal skulls, as mentioned above. The event was scheduled for this same day, October 27, 2011. So much for enough advanced notice. And how did “they” find me..?

After some inconclusive mental aerobics of, “shall I go, or shall I stay”, I check out Facebook. First thing I see is an image posted by my niece Claudine, in Australia. The image of a projection of crystal skull Max, which closely resembled the apparition of the being visiting me the night before.

Ha! Distraction works sometimes. It all came together now. If a tiny piece of quartz can get a PC running, imagine the scope of information available through a rather large human size crystal skull. Of course I was going.

My husband was less than pleased with me leaving him and the kids to fend for themselves without much notice. He did not question the need for me to attend that ceremony, so he dropped me off at the city bound train, reluctantly. His last words: “find your own way back home”, as he returned to his overwhelmingly demanding job.

Going and glowing with the flow, I stayed in the moment, excitedly on my way into NYC!

To be continued…