Why do so many so called “Spiritual” people follow conspiracy theories with such fervour?

I Love this question by my friend Sonny Navaratnam ❣🙏

Indeed, we multidimensional beings are able to look at the big picture and therefore do not need to only concern ourselves with the plans of a few inbred, reptilian overlighted elites. It is known Earth had a cretaceous period, and just amazing that so many deny the consequences on human behavior and reptilian brain effects.

It is remarkable for those of us who study human behavior (and the other inhumane side of that coin) to note that the CIA has 17 agencies active all over the world. No matter who sits at the White House, the USA, since before the assassination of JFK has (besides also for humanitarian aid) also used their military as brutal mercenaries to tear apart, destroy and destabilize many countries.

Why do so many deny other’s every day reality? People are not all one size fits all, yet those who are bereaved as their children died (or their quality of life is forever altered) as a result of va((ine injury, are often called “conspiracy theorists”. To these parents this is akin to ripping their hearts out of their bodies, trampling all over it and then putting it back.

How can people who consider themselves “spiritual” be so cruel?

We could be a whole lot more compassionate as human beings and use our imaginations more creatively to allow Love to win. Every day is a new day to practice compassion, release and transmute discordant energies, and to radiate and ground Divine Love without condition into the heart of Mother Earth.

We could breathe more deeply and deliberately to reset and honor our genetic coding and heritage from our sacred lineage.

Interesting indeed to see what human beings are doing and forgetting on this free will planet.

More are awakening every day, remembering

Namaste 💜🙏

Wolf Totem

Honoring Lins Domain, reinstated here:

W O L F :
Intuition, Learning, Spirit

This totem brings faithfulness, inner strength and intuition when he enters our lives. But he also brings learning to live with one’s self. The wolf teaches us to learn about our inner self and to find our inner power and strength. But to achieve this, we must take risks and face our deepest fears.

A wolf totem demands sincerity. This totem demands a lot of us but gives us much in return; a spirit helper that is always there to help and gives us extraordinary powers of endurance.

He reminds us to listen to our inner thoughts and trust our insights. They remind us not to waste resources and to learn how to avoid trouble and confrontations.

People with Wolf totems have the capacity to make quick and firm emotional attachments. Trust your insights about these attachments. Wolf will guide you. Take control of your life with Wolf’s help and do so with harmony and discipline.

Eagle Totem

Honoring Lins Domain, reinstated here:

E A G L E :
Spirit, Healing, Creation

The appearance of an Eagle signifies a new beginning is coming soon. Whether it is a positive beginning or not depends on the energy you are putting out.

Eagle will help by bringing the opportunities to you. This new beginning could be a spiritual awakening. Eagle is a demanding totem, but one that offers so much reward at the end of the journey.

Its four-toed feet remind you to stay grounded even when soaring high; its talons remind you to grasp the things of the earth; its sharp beak shows you when to speak, how much, and how strongly.

This totem will show you opportunities and how to ride the winds to your benefit. Eagle people can live in the realm of the spirit yet still remain connected and balanced within the realm of the Earth. You are here to become much more than you ever dreamed possible.

Spider Totem

Honoring Lins Domain, reinstated here:


Creativity and Weaver of Fate
A spider totem teaches you balance –between past and future, physical and spirit, male and female. She is strength and gentleness combined. She awakens creative sensibilities and reminds you that the past is always interwoven with the future.

Tarantulas (and all spiders) are the keepers of the primordial alphabet and can teach you how to write creatively.

Her body is shaped like the number 8 and she has 8 legs, which is symbol of infinite possibilities of creation. Her 8 legs represent the 4 winds of change and the four directions of the medicine wheel.

Spider’s message is that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave patterns of life and living throughout time. Do not fail to see the eternal plan of creation. Those who weave magic with the written word usually have this totem.

2020 vision

Much deception is revealed this year for all who are willing to see. Though this may be painful for many, or present with pressures, this is a massive rebirth with many opportunities to allow for Love to prevail over that which is unloving. A year in which there is push and pull from all directions, presenting with a challenge like never before to liberate ourselves from discordance and destructive groupthink, masquerading as benevolent.

It is a year in which we are asked to see the difference between the love of power and the power of Love, and to allow the Love within to radiate from the inner overflowing chalice, enough to realize you are the master.

The moment you see through the illusion of separation, you see there is no veil.

You embody the true essence of the I Am Presence, from the Divine Source of All Being, the Mother Father Godhead, fully grounded in the Sacred Heart of Lady Gaia ~ Mother Earth. You no longer need to give your power away to anyone or anything discordant.

Ready or not.

N a m a s t e
