Bee Totem

Honering Lins Domain, reinstated here.

Bee: Fertility, Accomplishing the Impossible 

Bee tells you to take the time to appreciate and enjoy the sweetness of life. Bee’s gift to you is productivity – making the best of your time so you have some time for yourself. The bee reminds us to extract the honey of life and to make our lives fertile (productive) while the sun shines. No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of fulfillment if we pursue our dreams.

Bee people are very focused and hard workers. They are capable of succeeding at whatever they attempt. Although they are self-sufficient, they work best when they are working with others. If a Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own productivity.    

Personal note:

Thank you bee, for showing up in my life just when I need a breather, tethered to too many virtual endeavors and too little outdoors adventures. You and the sun are calling me. I am listening.

I have loved you and all bees since well before concern for your well bee-ing became a thing. I remember sun bathing in my parents backyard, when a queen chose to land on my belly to rest a while! I was enchanted by your presence and elongated body, and miraculously your devotees were nowhere in sight.

I have been visited by bees, one at the time, and allowed for them to sit on my arm or leg, always when at rest, soaking up sunshine together. I appreciate all the downloads of bee wisdom (medicine).

I found one of you once, on the edge of the street, in front of New Roots Charter School, Ithaca, nearly frozen on an Autumn leaf. Too cold to even shiver. It seemed there was no life left in you, though I sensed you were in a dormant state. I quietly asked if you wanted some assistance. You said “yes please”.

I sent you warm Love without condition, from the heart through my hands. Then I gently moved the leaf you were resting on in the sunlight. Students on the front steps witnessed, and came a little closer. They were touched by our exchange. A while later you shook off everything and went flying.

Groundhog Totem

Honoring Lins Domain here.

Groundhog: Altered Consciousness

Groundhog, Woodchuck: Altered Consciousness

The Groundhog is the symbol of opening fully to the dreamtime. Of exploring altered states of consciousness more deeply and fully. Lessons associated with death, dying and revelations about its processes will begin to surface. Groundhog can teach its people metabolic control. How to go into the great unconscious without harm. Groundhog’s power is strongest in Winter and two years is an important time period. Two years of intensive studying might be required to achieve true trances or alter states of consciousness.