Ho’oponopono ~ a Loving tutorial

Ho’oponopono is something I am so grateful to have run into when my kids were little. As the world turns, in constant flux, more dysfunction is visible as media gladly seems to focus on what is deemed worthy of destruction or improvement. What would happen if we were to take 100% response-ability for everything we encounter and observe?

When we see the lines thicken in the skies above as geoengineering is bound to do for the purpose of weather modification, (which humanity never was asked to weigh in on) we can use Ho’oponopono and watch the lines being erased before they turn into clouds. Yes, it can be that powerful. Don’t take my word for it. It is something to experience for yourself.

In swoops Kelsey and the Universe with her rendition of Ho’oponopono, to remind us of why this is so incredibly helpful and effective. Do allow yourself to feel into it, your heart and soul will thank you, and you may shed some, or a lot of tears. I sure do too.

Yielding to the power within

Someone just asked: what is your experience beyond belief? It echoed flashbacks within me of entire pods of wild dolphins I have seen (and joyfully interacted with) leaping in and out of the pristine waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Their teachings inspire me as a doula of both birth and rebirth. I support these multidimensional transitions with people who are on their way in, and on their way out of the vessels we embody in the physical realm.

It is wise not to blindly believe in anything anyone says without evidence. I wouldn’t ever want to interfere with what you are here to learn, so use discernment to take only what resonates.

My experience is one of many lifetimes. In this lifetime alone I receive messages when birth or rebirth in and out of the physical realm is immanent. I help people connect to the supernatural to ease these transitions and learn to surrender to the power within through relaxed states, so that adrenaline is kept in check for a drug free painless experience, only peaking when all systems are ready and harmonized. Instead of pain, there is only pressure informing the body how to relax through it and yield. As I have experienced this myself I can teach others who are seeking to learn, in as far as they are willing.

It is in judgment and beliefs surrounding this judgment that we experience pain during transitions our bodies are designed to facilitate. Fear is particularly at the root of these beliefs: False Evidence Appearing Real in most instances. A balanced ego is kept in check with the job to recognize the other acronym: Fuck Everything And Run, basically to only respond in actual, life threatening situations. It is the still, small voice within that allows us to discern for ourselves what is going on, and which response is appropriate.

I experience the supernatural as real, interactive and the only actual fixed phenomenon in Divine perfection. An eternal student, I learned a lot from my dolphin friends (telepathy among other things) and continue to learn from the many life forms that continue to flourish on this planet. Animals come to me eager to communicate. Trees continue to teach me a lot through their networks of communication, especially about life cycles and natural rythms, as do bodies of water which are conduits of communication, holding and reflecting power of emotions when we embrace them as messengers and take them to heart.

The bodies of water in my neighborhood taught me patience as water always finds a way. It can cut through anything. On one of many walks in my natural surroundings, I could feel the pressure building after months of drought, caused among other things by people who interfered and rerouted the streams in my neighborhood to prevent flooding.

Melting snow turned into powerful currents of water, cascading and rushing forward. Under the road I could feel the currents and the pressure building for a newly restored balance.

A chant welled up in me so I chanted a while. Then I asked Water if there was a way for the people in my neighborhood coexist without harm to anyone’s habitat as the indigenous water keepers have done for many lifetimes. I apologized to the water for this foolishness of disrepect to the vital element of water. The elementals said: “Thank you”, then laughed, “We can assure you that feeling sorry for the waters is an unnecessary judgment. As you know Water has the intelligence to be in the mode of allowance. Earth’s self healing frequencies are already at work to rerout the waters closer to their original Blueprint”. I smiled and thanked the elementals for this profound gift of wisdom and reassurance.

Only days later the road right next to the driveway in my front yard cracked open, quite a few feet apart, with water rushing through it into the spring fed lake this road was built around. Crews (human, from the town) came in to create a vessel for the water to continue flowing through that section before fixing the road. I was impressed with their thorough and expedient work!

In my experience it’s a marvelous adventure to be alive and bear witness even (and especially now) as warring factions are pressuring humanity with ever increasing pressure, to awaken to their sovereign power within, beyond fight or flight, to the Love we are in essence that connects us all. It is in this power of Love we truly can co-exist and care for one another in ways we each allow, in harmony of the free will of each individual and the Divine Will of each I AM Presence as personal expressions of the Divine 💜