Creating and using your own Healing Team

A word of caution: passing on the practice of vortex work needs to be learned in the physical presence of a skilled practitioner who is recognized to teach this, to ensure appropriate grounding and clearings.

For (aspiring) students and practitioners of New Paradigm MDT. By Phyllis Brooks, New Paradigm MDT Practitioner, Teacher and faculty member of the School of Esoteric Sciences.

Sit quietly, breathe, ground, ask to be connected with your I Am Presence.
State that you are here to create a White Brotherhood (or Shamballa) personal healing team. Name your team: listen for what name comes to you. It can be anything. Some people get names like “Coca Cola” or whatever. Just let a name come to you.

Now you are ready to do a healing session with your Team.

Call in a coning of:
The deva of healing
Pan & the Nature Kingdom
Your White Brotherhood (or Shamballa) Medical Team
Your own I Am Presence

Tell your team what you would like them to work on. They will only work on what you ask for.

Lie still for around 40 minutes; you can ask yes/no questions and use muscle testing or a pendulum to get answers. Remember that pendulums etc. work very well, as long as you are not emotionally attached to the answer (this could create resistance in your body being able to receive an accurate answer).

Test to see if the session is over. Thank your team.

Dismantle the coning, from #4 through #1: i.e. “I thank my I Am and disconnect it from the coning; I thank my Team and disconnect it from the coning…” (etc.)

If you have essences, it is good to use them before and after the session.

For the first few months after you have created your Team, it is good to do at least one session a week, for 40 minutes. After that you can do sessions whenever you like. You can test to see if a session is complete (it can be more or less than 40 min.), or just wait for 40 minutes, ask if the session is complete, and dissolve the coning. Then take essences.

You can create your own Teams for healing, work, projects, anything for which you feel you could use some multidimensional help and direction. I have a healing team, a Shamballa team, an art team, a Soul Wisdom team, etc. During our class we call in DNA Clearance Teams, Entity Removal Teams, whatever is needed.

There is a book about creating a healing team, and other personal teams, called The White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program (MAP), by Machaelle Small Wright. It’s available from


If we dare to look, we know what has changed in our environments, causing such carnage as increasing deaths among younger populations, and especially men.

A NYC based EMT shared with me last year that her ambulance shifts suddenly included regular stops at schools to pick up young males who collapsed with heart problems, without any prior history of such conditions. They all had in common that they had recently subjected themselves to the much promoted, even coerced, experimental gene editing transfection shots.

The rising cases of collapsing athletes (of which the majority end up fatal) were predicted by the FDA prior to roll out & push for the biggest medical experiment ever conducted on humanity. This article by America’s Frontline Doctors, of which Peter McCullough is a recognized authority on cardiovascular issues provides a sobering perspective.

When I wrote: “Oh Boy“, I wasn’t yet aware that men, young men otherwise not at risk of dying from what the injections are purported to prevent, are disproportionately more at risk of severe injuries and deaths as a result of these injections.

Since the roll out of Operation Warp Speed the US military has suffered too many serious harms. When looking at the numbers, please remember these are human beings whose bodies were offered up for mass experimentation. Many of them may have laughed at those of us with a healthy distrust of the players involved in these war crimes.

Did you know the viral story about the 40% increase in all cause mortality reported by an Indiana life insurance company is supported by CDC’s own data?

Then there is the CEO of one of Germany’s largest health insurance companies who releases real time c̷o̷v̷i̷d̷ ̷j̷@̷b̷ injury data, which gets scrubbed, and he gets fired. Where there is smoke, there is 🔥. Blessed be the fire.

She is who she is

She doesn’t fit in a frame, a box, or a truth. She is choosing to feel her truth, to live and discover ftom there. She is strong willed, though open to observe everything and all that surrounds her. She follows no path, except the one her heart tells her to forge. She is led by feeling, her greatest expedition. She breaks your heart open to allow for new horizons. She is a light, through which darkness disappears