Chipmunk Totem

Today on my walk I encountered a chipmunk. It seemed to want to play hide and seek, and I had fun telling it when I did spot it. That’s when it would jump and speed off to the next hiding spot, until it hid so well I said “you win!” and moved on..

Chipmunk is a wonderful totem because it gives you permission to play. To balance work with periods of just having fun. It is a curious totem and shares that innate curiosity with you. Check things out – investigate – and learn in a fun way. The appearance of Chipmunk is a sign that you are well protected and safe.

Chipmunk can teach you how to read the voices of others. To know truth and lies through the sound, inflection and pitch their voices. Trust what you hear in their voice rather than their actual words. Practice this until it becomes second nature with you – and always trust your feelings. If they sound wrong, investigate further before committing.

Chipmunk, like Squirrel, also shows you to store for a rainy day. Not to point of hoarding, but just so you have enough to fall back on. When you have a little extra cash, save it instead of spending it right away. If you don’t spend it on little stuff, you just might be able to save enough for something really great in the future.

Chipmunk: Work & Play

Honoring Lins Domain here

What’s up with farmers in the Netherlands?

In spite of the road blocks causing supply chain interruptions, the Dutch farmers are supported by a majority (75%) of Dutch citizens (in Dutch, feel free to use google translate), as they are bringing the message home: no farmers, no food.

As a Dutch expat I learned (from one of my uncles) on one of my visits years ago: phase 1 of the quite disturbing potentially mutagenic nightmare in Dutch farming reform started with the government mandating their farmers to invest in what turned out a ponzi scheme. We had no idea of these plans at the time. What we did know is that the Dutch government had sold out its farmers and set them up to loose staggering amounts of their hard-earned Euros, forcing many farmers to shut down and sell their land.

Both my parents came from large farming families and several of my uncles, aunts and cousins have carried on the tradition. As multi-generational farmers, my cousins have been able to continue farming. One of my cousins is a bio-dynamic organic dairy farmer. Another raises Wagyu beef cattle. Another is a pig farmer.

Watching various Dutch independent news outlets, reasonable concern is expressed that there are initiatives to turn the Netherlands along with neighboring regions in Germany and Belgium into a mega “smart” city for Europe. UN countries following agenda 21/2030, have been promoting the (anything but) “just” war in Ukraine to satisfy their infatuation with the land there while thinning out the population, simultaneously exploiting Ukraine and playing the emotionally inept blame game towards Russia. Response-ability requires all parties to keep their actions and non-actions in check to indeed respect the interests of all concerned, including their own. We haven’t seen anyone stepping up to talk about facilitating conflict resolution, thereby avoiding war altogether.

The Dutch government is also relentlessly legislating nitrogen measures that are threatening to shut down farmers. Farmer unions have through Dutch WOB (FOIA) requests inquired about the numbers in areas displayed in well crafted images by various propaganda outlets, depicting which areas are over saturated with nitrogen. So far, crickets on what exactly those numbers are, and not a word about other industrial giants likely to far outdo the farmers in terms of nitrogen emissions (in as far as you can trust EPA numbers, as any government agency and related NGOs are usually rife with conflicts of interest).

Thankfully many Dutch farmers and their supporters (those who eat real and whole foods daily) aren’t willing to give up sovereignty in any way, and know it’s insane to outsource control of the food supply.

There will be a public debate in the Dutch parliament on this topic. Not expecting too much from career politicians and their handlers in these self-inflicted crises, it may or may not help there are many political parties. Several small parties have gained traction and garnered more seats, collaborating on issues like all around sovereignty.

To appear to be willing to start a mediation effort to appease the farmers, the Rutte III Dutch cabinet has appointed Johan Remkes, the very person who has written the nitrogen policy – demanding a 50% reduction in nitrogen emissions by 2030, compared to 26% in neighboring countries – as mediator. Farmers unions have no interest in starting discussions designed to do nothing to resolve the situation.

Many Dutch people (friends and cousins too) have started organic community gardens years ago. City dwellers have bought patches of land within reasonable distance to chill in rvs or tiny homes, while growing their own food.

Community gardens in Harderwijk, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Creating and using your own Healing Team

A word of caution: passing on the practice of vortex work needs to be learned in the physical presence of a skilled practitioner who is recognized to teach this, to ensure appropriate grounding and clearings.

For (aspiring) students and practitioners of New Paradigm MDT. By Phyllis Brooks, New Paradigm MDT Practitioner, Teacher and faculty member of the School of Esoteric Sciences.

Sit quietly, breathe, ground, ask to be connected with your I Am Presence.
State that you are here to create a White Brotherhood (or Shamballa) personal healing team. Name your team: listen for what name comes to you. It can be anything. Some people get names like “Coca Cola” or whatever. Just let a name come to you.

Now you are ready to do a healing session with your Team.

Call in a coning of:
The deva of healing
Pan & the Nature Kingdom
Your White Brotherhood (or Shamballa) Medical Team
Your own I Am Presence

Tell your team what you would like them to work on. They will only work on what you ask for.

Lie still for around 40 minutes; you can ask yes/no questions and use muscle testing or a pendulum to get answers. Remember that pendulums etc. work very well, as long as you are not emotionally attached to the answer (this could create resistance in your body being able to receive an accurate answer).

Test to see if the session is over. Thank your team.

Dismantle the coning, from #4 through #1: i.e. “I thank my I Am and disconnect it from the coning; I thank my Team and disconnect it from the coning…” (etc.)

If you have essences, it is good to use them before and after the session.

For the first few months after you have created your Team, it is good to do at least one session a week, for 40 minutes. After that you can do sessions whenever you like. You can test to see if a session is complete (it can be more or less than 40 min.), or just wait for 40 minutes, ask if the session is complete, and dissolve the coning. Then take essences.

You can create your own Teams for healing, work, projects, anything for which you feel you could use some multidimensional help and direction. I have a healing team, a Shamballa team, an art team, a Soul Wisdom team, etc. During our class we call in DNA Clearance Teams, Entity Removal Teams, whatever is needed.

There is a book about creating a healing team, and other personal teams, called The White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program (MAP), by Machaelle Small Wright. It’s available from

Horse totem

Honoring Lins Domain here

This totem brings new journeys

Horse: Travel, Power, Freedom

Horses symbolize freedom. This totem brings new journeys. It will teach you to ride in new directions and discover your own freedom and power. Horse people are usually friendly and adventurous. If you have a Horse totem, you must ask yourself: “Am I feeling constricted? Do you need to move on or allow others to move on?” Horse will teach you how to ride into new directions to awaken and discover your own freedom and power.

Porcupine totem

Honoring Lins Domain here.

The Porcupine has very powerful medicine: that of faith and trust. You can move mountains with these powers.

A Porcupine totem reminds you not to get caught in the chaos of the world, where fear, greed and suffering are commonplace. Its medicine is relief from the seriousness of life.

Open your heart to those things that gave you joy as a child; remember fantasy and imagination and bring into your life again.

If a Porcupine is your totem you might be overly sensitive to criticism from others or overly critical of others. Perhaps you are allowing barbs from long ago to still affect your life now. Porcupine people often crave and overindulge in salt intake. Beware of this and watch your intake.

Porcupine: Innocence, Wonder

Raven Totem

Honoring Lins Domain here.

Raven: Magic, Healing, Creation
If a raven totem has come into our life, magic is at play. Raven activates the energy of magic and links it to our will and intention.

With this totem, we can make great changes in our life; the ability to take the unformed thought and make it reality.

The raven shows us how to go into the dark of our inner self and bring out the light of our true self; resolving inner conflicts which have long been buried. This is the deepest power of healing we can possess.

Seeing through the web of lies


Hello everyone!

Today is an incredible day with many new insights.
Someone shared this image on one of my facebook groups today, along with this link:
cov19 testkits

Someone at the worldbank site had a busy day. They changed the wording from “COVID-19” to “Medical” Test kits. Very nice. Except, the site was archived many times already. See here :

And check out here just how many times the site was archived on the Wayback Machine alone, and what it looked like on Sept 4, 5 and 6:*/
Next, notice they changed the wording in a frantic attempt to cover it up, and then left an interesting live link that referred to COVID-19 medical supplies list (Archived here).

Never a dull moment these days. Have a look again at this link and go under the list to check out the live links: HS Classification Reference based on Covid-19 medical supplies list 2nd edition, prepared by World Customs Organization (WCO) and World Health Organization (WHO)
Are they still there? For how long? Archived anyway for the sake of clarity. Wow.

To be sure: 300215 is explained in the linked pdf.

Did you see who is mentioned as collaborating with the WHO? The WCO? A World Customs Organization? Collaborating on:

C e r t i f i c a t e

O f

V a c c i n a t i o n



It’s been in the works for a while. Good to know.


To the collective ego running amok on our planet

Above linked notes were written years ago before I first posted them. A cease and desist notice has followed to all who are hoarding and unlawfully trading in natural resources and human beings. Especially children. It has gone too far for too long. Let me share it here again.

To whom it concerns:

Cease and desist all activities that compromise the integrity of protected natural resources.

I decline to participate in any of it. The sovereign, multidimensional souls of myself and my kin, and the vessels in which we incarnated, are outside your jurisdiction.

Human trafficking must cease immediately.

All abuses of power must cease immediately.

Human experimentation without the express knowledge of risk factors and consent must cease immediately.

All human beings have an inalienable right to bodily autonomy as Divinely decreed in cosmic, natural, common and intergalactic law.

All violators are again put on notice. All who are complicit in collaborating with the death cults, are put on notice.

You are done here. We know who you are. Mother Earth is no longer inhabitable to those who choose to enslave humanity.

The science is already here to restore and maintain the health of our planet and its inhabitants. Your interference from here on – including all contracts – are null and void.

In Love & Freedom,

Founding member of The Council of Mothers


To vax or not to vax all – discussing vaccine policy in New York’s Capitol

Waiting for an “off the floor meeting”, I was next to the stairs right outside the chamber. There was a concrete ledge where, after a long day of walking and standing, I decided to sit for a while.

My representative’s assistant promised she would text me as soon as he had returned to his seat. An intense day, I could feel the tension rising right outside the room, topic of discussion unbeknownst to me.

A lady asked me if I wouldn’t mind sharing and allow her to sit next to me. Of course not, I moved to the right to offer her more room to sit. Both of us were quietly catching some reprieve for a while. Then she asked me: “What are you working on?” I said: “Keeping exemptions from vaccinations”. She froze. Her entire face and demeanor changed instantly. Her eyes turned dark and started shooting daggers at me for a good fifteen seconds. Then she said: “Then you believe in killing children!” “Quite the contrary”, I said. She said: “I am a nurse, you don’t know what you are talking about”. My reply: “I personally know quite a few nurses who agree with me on this issue. Are you aware there is an organization of thousands of nurses known as Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines?” She abruptly jumped off the ledge, on her feet. “You should speak to parents of kids hurt by vaccine preventable disease, such as my son!” The last four words loudly reflected much pain.

Choices at the capitol

This image is gracing the wall in the hallway on the 4th floor in the Capitol Building, Albany, NY

She scooted off before I could say another word. I would have listened further to her very real grief about what happened to her son. How very sad to see a real life example of someone stuck in a paradigm where those who choose vaccination think they must impose their ways on others in order for these vaccines to actually “work”. Meanwhile vaccine makers are protected from liability, and $4,142,954,814.88 has been paid out to vaccine injured families in the US, as of May 1, 2019, paid for by taxes raised on the sale of vaccines.

Mind you, the maximum payout for loss of life is $250,000. So this is what human life is valued at, while people like Julie Gerberding, former head of the CDC has moved on to Merck’s vaccine division, and just keeps raking in rewards for her part in the cover up of fraudulent activities within the CDC. Representative Bill Posey’s request for a congressional hearing with lead scientist and whistleblower William Thompson is one such example, which has fallen on deaf ears. There is no judge, no jury, and no discovery in “vaccine court“. “Special masters” take the place of a judge. It’s so tedious, costly and time consuming to attempt to be compensated, that many parents with vaccine injured children who need around the clock care just won’t be able to manage it.

The meeting with the mother of a child who was “hurt by a vaccine preventable disease” still haunts me, particularly her response. She is a nurse who thought she was doing the right thing. She vaccinated her kid. The vaccine didn’t work to protect her child. Not only did the vaccine not work to protect her child, he was hurt by the disease the vaccine was claimed to protect against. Instead of looking at this critically, perhaps reading a vaccine package insert, she blames the unvaccinated. I have compassion for her.

State Assembly Chamber

The official narrative supports her views. It allows her to be comforted in thinking she did all she could, while those terrible parents with exemptions from vaccines didn’t do their part. Except, most of them did, each in their own way. Those who believed in the paradigm as she did, and those who believed differently, but where “mandated” (coerced in spite of a nagging gut feeling not to do it), uneducated about exemption rights – and in fact did vaccinate their kids – had to learn firsthand debilitating vaccine injuries do happen. The official narrative is hard at work to drown out possibilities to hear this well. And so those of us who have witnessed the carnage continue to have to hear the official narrative like nails on chalkboard. For now legislation is pushed everywhere to do away with what little parental choice is left. The conversation is riddled with incredible conflicts of interest made possible by your government, which allows profit driven industry to exert control over media, policies, and published science.

Are we really looking to travel the path of medical fascism, where non-vaccinating or vaccine risk aware parents are treated as heretics and pariahs, while vaccine religion is pushed on everyone unchecked?

Not in New York, not if we can help it. Not in any self respecting nation, not if we can help it. According to Children’s Health Defense, spearheaded by environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who along with ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) and its stellar legal teams has already taken on HHS, the FDA (twice!) and Bayer’s Monsanto (twice!) and won, we CAN and we will. All a matter of when, rather then if, those responsible for committing these crimes against humanity will answer for their crimes.

There are a few Kennedys who were asked to toe the line and publicly speak out against their brother and uncle, and how “wrong” he is on the issue of vaccination. Thing is, they did not inherit the legendary name Robert (Bobby) Francis Kennedy, and initials RFK, Jr. did, for a reason.

RFK Jr Albany Rally

Albany, New York, May 14, 2019

Expect the Nuremberg Code of Ethics to be reinstated everywhere in the way it was meant to from its inception.

By the way, I did end up meeting and thanking the representatives of my district in person, as they are dedicated to protecting parental choice and consent. First amendment rights still truly mean something to them.

In Love & Service,



Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Health Impact News

Health Care Business Association (HBA)

C-Span and Marcella Piper-Terry’s blog

THE VACCINE COURT, book written by Wayne Rohde

Dr. Larry Palevsky, former Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, in an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola.

National Vaccine Information Center

Hear This Well: Breaking the silence on vaccine violence (campaign in answer to the cover up of the testimony of CDC lead scientist William Thompson, omitting significant data in a study involving autism and the MMR vaccine)

CNBC – Christina Farr –

Health Impact News

The Ethical Nag, blog focused on medical research fraud, by investigative journalist Carolyn Thomas, Victoria BC, Canada.

Children’s Health Defense

Informed Consent Action Network

New England Journal of Medicine, Evelyne Shuster, Ph.D.

Got time?

What is old in an incarnation? My brother died at 32. So at that age he was the oldest of my siblings, and the oldest he was going to be.

Turning 33 for me totally sucked. I didn’t want to surpass him (anymore).

I never got over it, and yet got through it, and on with it. 34 was a blast for me.

At age 40-ish Downtown Manhattan, a teenage kid was selling candy for a charity at his school. One kid in a stroller, the other skipping ahead to the next corner, I stopped to give him money and told him to keep the candy. He asked me why.
“Because I don’t need candy to be sweet”, I answered, smiling.

As I kept going towards my son on the corner, he put down his tray and quickly caught up with my fast paced long legged stride.

He looked at me adoringly and asked: “Would you allow me to give you a kiss on the cheek?”

How could I refuse this young man?

So he did. Then he said: “I am going to find myself an amazing, beautiful woman just like you, and am going to Love and marry her”.

That was almost 14 years ago, and I have the distinct feeling that he did do just that.

Numbers, and birthdays, are what we make of it. Never mind deadlines. Time is a man made construct. In every now, there can be treasure. Have fun! ❤