Green smoothie

Breaking fast after however many hours of not eating, it all starts with ingredients. What to choose…

1 green d’Anjou pear, including peel, which contains up to six times more polyphenols then the rest of the pear.

1 celery stalk, with or without leaves

kale & spinach

cashews, “raw” unsalted

1/2 tsp l-glycine, the more stable variety of glycine, literally sweetening the deal

2 drops Lugol’s iodine (2%)

2 tbsp Nature’s Plus Source of Life liquid multi

Fresh sprig of peppermint

Filtered primary sourced mountain well water

All in the ninja or or your brand of vitamix smoothie maker. Crank on until smooth. Oh so good!


It only works when everyone does it?

So I overhear a conversation in the Netflix series “Love”. People are sitting around the dinner table. Three couples, one single woman. The couples are talking about kids and everything kids related. The conversation goes on about preschools, and how the progressive ones are so hard to get in, and so expensive. Letting kids run around barefoot outdoors at such a school, with chickens. “$20,000 tuition to have the kids get parasites“, one dad jokes. Enter the “new norm” after exemption repeal bills in several states robbed children who attend school/daycare and their parents of their healthcare choices: pinworms in America’s children are now considered common. It’s a perfect moment for the script to turn to v@~cci nation. “You guys v@~ccin8 don’t you?”

“Yeah of course we do! But of course the kids still all get whooping cough because we have too many selfish parents who don’t v@~ccin8!”

The single woman interrupts the completely illogical conversation, because she feels left out, unable to relate. Thank goodness for this, because we don’t want it explored in a tv show that there are perfectly valid reasons to not buy into the mythical v@ ccin8 everyone theory. Critical thought would quickly recognize “it only works when everyone does it” to mean it doesn’t work. Period. If it did, the ones who v@~ccin8ed would be protected.

The pubmed studies that haven’t been scrubbed by Dr. Google all mention asymptomatic spread practically in the same breath as lowering the expectation to v@~cc1nes not preventing infection or transmission. Where else have we heard this? Oh yeah, it was promised with the roll out of Operation Warp Speed by Herr Dr. Fauci himself.

It’s at least encouraging more people are increasingly less trusting of government sanctioned wishy washy “science” with tyrannical public “health” edicts leading to disastrous outcomes we are seeing all around us. Thankfully there are many remedies gifted to us by Mother Nature. Homeopathic as well.

NY Healthcare Workers Win – Mandate Struck Down

Lady Justice Sepia ~ Laura Pierre Louis
(Fine Art America)

John Gilmore writes an excellent summary of this Supreme court decision in an email from Autism Action Network:


NY Judge strikes down COVID shot mandate for healthcare workers

Yesterday New York Supreme Court Justice Gerard Neri struck down a New York State Department of Health (DOH) regulation that forced all healthcare workers to get COVID shots as a condition of employment. No shot, no job.

In a scathing decision, the Court described New York State’s arguments that it has the authority to impose a vaccine mandate while at the same time admitting that the vaccine does not stop transmission of the disease it is claimed to prevent as “Orwellian.”  The Court also described other arguments made by the State as an “absurdity.”

The case was filed by Children’s Health Defense for a group of New York healthcare workers. Sujata Gibson is lead attorney. An appeal by the State is likely. 

Please support the work of Children’s Health Defense New York by donating here.

The mandate was originally imposed by a New York State Department of Health (DOH) regulation forced through under Governor Andrew Cuomo.

A key argument the Court found persuasive is that the DOH, and by extension the Governor, simply does not have the legal authority to impose vaccine mandates. Earlier cases have found that power is limited to acts of legislation, and action by County Boards of Health, not regulations issued by a state agency. The Court said,  “DOH blatantly violated the boundaries of its authority as set forth by the legislature.”

The Court also relied on the State’s admission that COVID shots do not stop transmission of the disease, stating, “Petitioners argue that there is no rational basis for the Mandate when Respondent DOH acknowledges the mandated vaccine fails to accomplish its stated goal, i.e., prevent the spread of COVID-19  (Court’s emphasis).”  That admission by DOH led the Court to say,“In true Orwellian fashion, [New York State] acknowledge then-current COVID-19 shots do not prevent transmission.”

DOH argued that the requirement that healthcare workers get  “fully vaccinated” means whatever the department decides it means. The Court, however, found, “a term which is defined at the whim of an entity, subject to change without a moment’s notice, contains all the hallmarks of ‘absurdity’ and is no definition at all.”

In summation the Court found, “the Mandate is arbitrary and capricious.” And ruled, “the Mandate 10 NYCRR Sec. 2.61, as being beyond the scope of Respondents’ (DOH) authority and is therefore null and void and of no effect, so that the Respondents, their agents, officers and employees are prohibited from implementing or enforcing the Mandate is GRANTED.” 

This ruling follows a string of Federal and New York Court State decisions voiding mandates imposed by executive action. Yet in New York City, Mayor Eric Adams clings to the mandates used to fire thousands of city workers, and students at the State University of New York and the City University of New York are still required to get COVID shots to attend according to rules issued by their respective Boards of Trustees despite the State’s acknowledgement that the shot does not stop the transmission of COVID. These policies are beyond absurd and are no doubt motivated by reasons other than concerns for public health. 

Siempre Juntos ~ Laura Pierre Louis
(Fine Art America)

State of the State – A return to Albany

As John Gilmore of Autism Action Network and Children’s Health Defense New York reports via email:

Hochul closes Capitol to disease-ridden peasants

Odd ball legislators refuse to meet

Governor Kathy Hochul ordered the Capitol shut to the public on Tuesday specifically to exclude vaccine rights activist during her first State-of the-State Address as an elected Governor. The Governor did not say why the Capitol was closed but the Albany Times Union surmised, “The decision was likely driven by those protesting vaccines, however.”

A coalition of organizations, including the Autism Action Network, hosted a lobbying day of Tuesday for the first time since 2021 when Governor Cuomo imposed a requirement for proof of COVID shots or a negative PCR test to enter the Capitol and Legislative Office Building. Hochul extended the order when she took office but supposedly lifted it last fall.

The Legislative Office Building, however, where the vast majority of State Senators and Assemblymembers work, was conducting business like the rest of the sane world. Hundreds of meetings were held. Doors were open, people walking in and out without the need for medical documents, nary a mask in sight, with a few notable exceptions. Some legislators locked their doors, required proof of COVID shots and masks, or would only meet outside their offices.

Besides showing that these legislators know nothing about COVID it demostrates they still buy into the hysteria that the majority of rational people have managed to move beyond.

A few things they do not seem to know:

COVID shots do not stop transmission,
Natural immunity from getting COVID and recovering is more effective than shots
Almost everybody, shot or no shot, has had COVID already
Masks do not prevent the transmission of COVID
They have no respect for medical privacy
They have no ability to make rational risk assessment decisions.

These people make medical decisions for us all. They [purportedly] have more say over what happens to the bodies of our children than parents do.

Please contact the offices of these legislators by telephone and social media and politely help educate them.

Governor Kathy Hochul

(518) 474-8390

@GovKathy Hochul

Assemblymember Joanne Simon (Democrat/Working Families Party, Brooklyn Heights) Joanne Simon is a co-sponsor of every bill that diminishes or eliminates parent’s right to control, or even know about, medical procedures that are done to their children including A9963 which allows a minor of any age to be given any medical procedure or product including surgery, A3192 that allows 14 year-olds to be given any vaccine, and A822 that allows vaccines and preventive drugs for sexually-transmitted diseases for children of any age. (These bill numbers are for the last session, new numbers will be issued to these bills in the next few weeks if they are re-introduced.)

Two separate Simon constituents who requested meetings were told that proof of vaccination and a mask are required to meet in person with Simon otherwise meetings would have to be by Zoom. One constituent pressed the issue and was told she could meet in person, but she had to wear a mask.

(718) 246-4889, (518) 455-5426


Assemblymember Jeffrey Dinowitz (Democrat-Riverdale, Bronx) Dinowitz is the vaccine industry’s leading shill in the Assembly. He wrote the repeal of the religious exemption for K-12 students and has current bills that would require COVID shots for K-12 education, eliminate religious exemptions for employment and college, and mandate flu shots for k-12 education among others.

He had the sign posted on his office door with the text,

“If you would like to enter please call (518) 455-4437. Proof of vaccination and mask required.”

Dinowitz has a record of using obscene gestures and several witnesses said he did it again on Tuesday when returning from the Capitol to his office in the LOB after the Governor’s speech.

(718) 796-5345, (518) 455-4437


Assemblymember Sarahana Shresta (Democratic Socialist-Working Families Party, New Paltz) Shrestha is a newly-elected Democrat Socialist who avoided saying anything about COVID during her campaign and refused to meet with constituents who wanted to speak about COVID. Leading up to the Lobbying Day Shreshta didn’t even respond to requests for meetings. Constituents repeatedly went to her office on Tuesday and eventually a staffer agreed to talk, but outside the office and he wore a mask. Shreshta was in her office at the time hiding. The persistent constituents eventually persuaded the staffer to ask Shreshta to come out. When she did Shreshta also wore a mask and she let them know that she fully supports mandatory COVID shots. Odd how a Socialist favors the exact same policies as a capitalist giant like Pfizer.

(845) 338-0590 (518) 455-5576
