Happy V Day Everyone ♡

“No I didn’t come from your rib, you came from my vagina”. This video was part of a group text I received today, the one day this “great nation” on this North American continent has dedicated to Love. It is great that at least one day there is a focus on love. May it serve as a reminder that we all have the option to let Love shine through in all of our actions any day. Let that be my aim here.

I love the woman who sent the video, and I agree with much of it. The feminist movement is obviously here to stay as long as needed, and I support most of it. Planned parenthood has served many by providing birth control options, and abortions. Does that mean they have a free pass to break codes of ethics, and be a portal for the sale of fetal parts and tissue to the bio chemical industry under the broad and vague sounding term of “medical” research?

Thanks to Planned Parenthood and likely many hospitals too, we now find fetal tissue used for flavor enhancement in sodas, and who knows where else. We find it in quite a few vaccines (listed as human diploid cells or cell lines), while the manufacturer’s insert contains the disclaimer in section 13.1 that it has never been tested for mutagenic (cancer causing) or carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects. GMO foods, GMO babies. Cannibalism. What’s next?

The two party system here is quickly getting old with presidential candidates you can take or leave without making much of a difference, and the double think it creates easily deflects from the real issues in dire need of revision.

Has any woman who agreed to have an abortion ever signed an agreement to have the contents of her womb be made available for human consumption? Isn’t that a violation of human rights, let alone women’s rights? Has any parent ever been advised on what is truly being injected into their babies by vaccine endorsers and administrators? Does any food label truly list all ingredients?

Isn’t it time we have a committee on ethics sit down with Planned Parenthood, and all providers of abortion? Let’s not stop here, and invite the FDA and the CDC in on this discussion. Perhaps we should have the discussion overseas, to broaden the perspective and loose the blinders, in… say… Nuremberg, Germany, where an international code of ethics has already been created and documented. Yes, let’s have the feminist perspective represented in that committee too, as well as letting Love be our guide here.

Happy V-Day everyone! As a woman, I claim the last word on everything, before it enters my vagina and after it leaves my womb. And in the case of it growing into a human being, I vow to listen to it’s developing voice, and represent it to the best of my abilities until it has matured enough. I hereby command that it is respected.


Image by Stiaan van der Merwe, taken in Namibia, known as the sacral chakra of Africa

The Power of Soup

Someone asked for this recipe, and why not share it?

Root Vegetable Soup

root vegetable soup

If you don’t have any cooking experience, you’ll need to use your senses. All of them. One of them is common sense: Make sure everything is clean before you go to town on your ingredients. Organic is wise, more juicy and flavorful. Remember: you can always add. Smell, taste, feel, listen into your creation. Once you added it, leave it. You’ll learn quickly.

A word of advice for veteran cooks and newbies alike: Keep your attention with your creation. Beware of weapons of mass distraction, especially where fire or heat is involved. No one likes burnt or overcooked vegetable soup, though it is known to happen to the best of us 🙂

Other variation: parsnips are very delicious. Leave out rutabaga and use 2 or 3 parsnips instead, also from the turnip family.

Enjoy ❤


The Year of the Monkey is upon us!


Happy New Year of the Monkey to ALL ❤

Monkey Year 2016

What monkey business is this? As it so happens every twelve years in Chinese astrology, the year of the monkey has a way of sneaking up on us. There is a certain set of energetics at play each year in the Chinese zodiac. With monkey it may be wise to keep the emphasis on play, not taking ourselves too seriously, yet remain focused on what matters. How we get along in such a year has much to do with how we each relate to the monkey aspect within us.

In Native American teachings and shamanism, the animal totem of monkey is aptly explained here.

A perspective on the year of the monkey from Chinese Astrology.

Earlier I overheard a friend (Bikram Yoga instructor) say: “Some call it a monkey year, I call it a Hanuman year”. From the Hindu tradition, you can read the translation of the words of the Hanuman Chalisa in this video, telling the story of the Hindu Monkey God, as chanted in Sanskrit by Krishna Das.

It certainly is fun to see the parallels between perspectives from different ancient indigenous teachings and traditions.

Since I Love monkeys and monkey people alike, I am already loving this year!
