“Everything is sentient, and because it’s sentient, we always have to ask, about everything. When you get an “OK, we’re going to work together,” it’s 100%. It’s kind of like with a human, when you get someone to do something that they don’t want to, versus when they do want to. Plants and chemicals have those same properties.”

“When the “yes” is happening, it changes everything.”

Very true! Thank you Phyllis, and Mark ❤


My Druidic Education—part 2
by Mark

My grandmother started showing me different herbs in the woods and fields around the house, when I was very young. We would go out and gather herbs to dry or to make into tinctures and decoctions, depending on the plant and/or the intended use. One day she had me go out to pick hops. There were nine clumps of hops growing up the side of a building. I went and harvested what I thought was the right amount for making a sleeping draught. This was actually for me, because I was so hyper I had trouble sleeping. I tried the medicine, and it worked.

Then she had me do it again, but this time go ask, “Which plants want to come and make medicine to help me sleep?” When I heard, “Yes,” I picked from those plants only. We made medicine from this harvest…

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The top 3 things that #VAXXED is not: a movie review

Tobacco and vaccine scientism. Ugly business. Luckily vaccines aren’t addictive, while for some, vaccine incentives are. No matter the cost. Until enough of us had enough. Shift happens!

         Have a look at this excellent review of “Vaxxed” below, listen. Does it resonate? Can you discern fact from fiction? You don’t have to be a doctor to figure this out. Since doctors are taught to rely on the CDC. you may want to do your own research, like you do before buying an infant car seat. Search for independent studies, as a growing number of concerned doctors are already doing as well. At the very least look up the manufacturer’s insert of every vaccine. Be educated, know the risks.

         Thank you Levi, and Andrew Wakefield. I am dreaming of being in a choir of Quackettes, singing to the tune of Rick James’s Super Freak. “I’m a Super Quack, Super Quack, I’m Super Quackyyy… yow!!!!”I think I see and hear Suzanne Humphries, MD, in the choir too. A music video on YouTube. Being a quack is all the rage now 😉


Levi Quackenboss

finger wag

I had the honor of watching a screener of VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe a few nights ago and I have been simmering on the thought of what I should say about it that hasn’t already been said.  You can read incredible reviews here, here, here, here, here and here that say most everything I would say, to tell you the truth.

But… I’m not about to say nothing, especially in the face of Paul Offit writing a “review” of the movie for The Hollywood Reporter without ever mentioning that he is portrayed in an unflattering light in the movie itself. Since Offit has a rich history of forgetting to disclose his conflicts of interest that omission is not surprising.  Not to nitpick, but the fact that Offit questions whether or not the CDC Whistleblower Dr. Bill Thompson was recorded without his knowledge leads me to believe…

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