Porcupine totem

Honoring Lins Domain here.

The Porcupine has very powerful medicine: that of faith and trust. You can move mountains with these powers.

A Porcupine totem reminds you not to get caught in the chaos of the world, where fear, greed and suffering are commonplace. Its medicine is relief from the seriousness of life.

Open your heart to those things that gave you joy as a child; remember fantasy and imagination and bring into your life again.

If a Porcupine is your totem you might be overly sensitive to criticism from others or overly critical of others. Perhaps you are allowing barbs from long ago to still affect your life now. Porcupine people often crave and overindulge in salt intake. Beware of this and watch your intake.

Porcupine: Innocence, Wonder

Raven Totem

Honoring Lins Domain here.

Raven: Magic, Healing, Creation
If a raven totem has come into our life, magic is at play. Raven activates the energy of magic and links it to our will and intention.

With this totem, we can make great changes in our life; the ability to take the unformed thought and make it reality.

The raven shows us how to go into the dark of our inner self and bring out the light of our true self; resolving inner conflicts which have long been buried. This is the deepest power of healing we can possess.

Dancing in resonance.

What a whirlwind of impressions is going around and bouncing off busy bodies and structures alike. Much discord on worldviews, as existential questions are raised, and threats perceived everywhere. Some real, some imagined. Then again, Picasso said what you can imagine is real, and Bruce Lipton wrote “The Biology of Belief”, providing insight in how thoughts can indeed become things.

Have you taken the time to breathe lately? I have. I am. Observing. Slowing down and deepening the breath, the belly expanding and contracting until I find a natural, effortless rythm. Back in the flow, letting everything else go.

Around the lunar eclipse & full moon last week I felt the call to make another mother tincture from which to create new next level elixirs. This happens organically in response to triggers I receive from my environment and the beings I interact with. Human beings too. The intention is always to gently release and transmute discordant energies, including traumas. To trigger homeostasis, and to effortlessly return to the natural state of being, in resonance with the Divine Seed Blueprint of Creation.

Forced narratives, control games, deception, biological warfare, medical abuse & apartheid, censorship, the illusion of separation: all are traumatic enough to experience. I allowed myself to observe and deeply feel into these traumas.

In between I went on my nature walks and spent time Earthing, fully plugged into the grid of the Infinite Cosmic Heart of Creation and the generous, Loving Heart of Lady Gaia, Mother Earth in complete resonance. Every time I am re~minded that everything is connected. Consequently nature restores. Effortlessly. When we allow it.

Another thing I have done since childhood is resort to sound and singing to retreat in my inner sanctum. I am forever grateful to friends who initiated sound poetry gatherings earlier this year where in a group of 5 to 8 women, we explored meditative and expressive sound sessions with crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, all manner of percussion, drums, our voices, our bodies. The intention was to sing & move ourselves into resonance with our re~birthing Mother Earth, ever regenerating from the Divine Seed Blueprint of Creation. We were listening, singing, harmonizing, chanting, tapping, dancing, stretching and laying down, suspended in the expansive sacredness of resonance, integrating these vibrations on all levels of being, grounding them.

I spent days afterwards in total bliss from the reverb. Likely because I kept my crystals around me that accompany me to certain events, including these sound poetry sessions.

In response to the call to make a mother tincture I picked a few crystals, intuitively. Placed them in a clear glass bowl with water on the roots of Grandmother Oak. She is a majestic tree, that lived through not one, but two lightning strikes. I don’t look at the weather. I have learned to trust, and to listen. After awhile the crystals called out to me to move them to the front deck where they were more sheltered from possible debris. It was about to get stormy.

Grandmother Oak has lived through not one, but two lightning strikes.

So I placed the crystals on the front deck near the Dogwood tree that had just started to blossom. These blossoms were reflected in the water.

Dogwood Flower essence promotes gentle release of trauma from harsh treatment, abuse and misuse.
It reminds the inner child of the soft, indivisible inner core, to invoke graceful embodiment from the I Am Presence, re-patterning a relationship to your physical form, uplifting weight, gravity, or pressure on the body systems.

Sheltered on the front deck, the crystals & the water took in the elements from their surroundings. Two thunder storms came and went, charging up, moving and clearing the air. Between the storms & upcoming lunar eclipse. the crystals and water soaked up clarity and eventually moonlight, while I facilitated a group meditation and etheric journey, during the Wesak celebration of Gautama Buddha’s Birth & Rebirth. I am forever grateful to all experienced practitioners & all beings who participated in this gathering. They lent their exquisite energy and support in releasing and transmuting discordant energies, activating, integrating and grounding more of their true essence, Love without condition.

The next day the solar rays warmed and charged the crystals and the water, until Grandmother Oak asked me to return them to her roots. Her timing was impeccable.

“Time to move”, Grandmother Oak said. I did and was moved by the experience too. .

Look at Grandmother Oak, basking in shine & glory, surrounded by majestic Pine trees.

Grandmother Oak’s medicine: “I am the infinite within my soul; strong and joyfully wise, at home in all dimensions, deeply rooted in the lifeblood of the Earth. Thoroughly grounded, I continue to expand and reach greater heights, deepening perspective and insight.”

It’s a matter of listening and responding. An inner knowing when the charging of the water has completed. Once inside, I gratefully removed the crystals and rested them on a salt bath. One of the crystals (Apophyllite Zeolite), held a gift from Grandmother Oak: some of her flowers.

Here is an image of the crystals and the bottled mother tincture, after the water was filtered and set with a handcrafted vodka. This one was made with Icelandic glacier water, naturally filtered through lava rocks.

These crystals have been here, like many of us, forever. From deep inside Lady Gaia ~ Mother Earth, they can just like many of us, have extraterrestrial origins as well. They re~mind us too: we’ve been here before, we have done similar things before as intergalactic, multidimensional beings, and we are still here, embodied in different forms & perspectives, working and living through similar themes and challenges. We are who we are in essence, on all levels of being, Love without condition.

Distraction and interference can only distract and interfere, yes even interrupt the life force and destroy the vessels we temporarily embody. It doesn’t change who we are in essence, though we can choose to clear the discordance and embody more of our true essence in these vessels we have chosen for this particular incarnation.

The first elixir from this batch,

𝕊𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕊𝕪𝕞𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕩𝕩𝕚 was made on June 1, 2021. It’s too early to tell what is possible. It can be used for human and all sentient beings. Specific frequencies are channeled for each user. An automatic cosmic lock & seal is included to ensure stability during exposure to radiation and other discordant energies.

I used it, and menopausal symptoms like joint pains and sensitivity in the bottoms of my feet have already disappeared. I am dancing again, in Eternal Love eXemplified Resonance.

For an elixir session: click on “find out about services” scroll down to see.