Who is Archangel Uriel


Since early childhood I have memories of being in communication with Uriel, the Archangel. I have always enjoyed working with Uriel, because the energy is so very subtle, it would be impossible for an imposter Uriel to show up without getting noticed. Uriel simply puts those who ask in touch with their Divine Self, and when you ask a question, simply reminds you that the answer is within you.

For my personal development it was essential that I completely immersed into physical existence during this lifetime, for a while blocking out all experiences and connection with Divine Source, spending quite a few years resonating with atheism.

In the early 90s I found myself back in communication with Uriel, and other Archangels and Masters of Light. The information I received from them was carefully filed away or kept to myself, as I had no idea how to share it or who to share it with, until another ten years went by. Then I had an experience I no longer could ignore. In a big yet very subtle way, these beings presented as my kin so that I could only see them as aspects of my very own Divine Light Being, just as intended.

During that experience, I witnessed Sanat Kumara and Kuthumi silently supporting a partnership with Uriel who stepped forward with Raphael as part of a greater team. Uriel did not speak, and instead let Raphael communicate a few words to reestablish our connection. Raphael encouraged me to call on Uriel, and allow Uriel to further call on fellow Archangels, Pleiades and other Light Beings to support the work I was about to co-create with this team. Though I had no idea what this work entailed, and all Uriel would ever do was remind me that I had the answers within, I resigned to further developing my intuition. Through this unique partnership a Ministry of Light began to form eventually, in order to serve and help sustain humanity and our Mother Earth as together we were (still are) going through rapid changes, to expand consciousness. This Ministry of Light grew into E-l’xr (Eternal Love eXemplified Resonance), developing a line of gem elixirs to help support all life forms on our planet on the path of Ascension.

A great article on who Uriel is can be found here.  Use discernment. Take what resonates.



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