Things real women do, as observed in circles

Real women have abortions. Real women oppose abortions. Real women carry life, give birth to it, nurture it with their whole being and bodies, and Love it. Other real women do not do any of this, or do differently, and still have fulfilling lives. Real women can have real struggles with any aspect of this life they can carry and bring forth.

Real women own guns. Real women will never own guns and are looking to do away with guns and the insanity of war. Real women who own or never own guns will never have to resort to gun violence. Other real women may fire a gun in self defense. Real women sometimes are blinded by the illusion of separation.

Real women can gather ’round in circles, hold hands, listen to eachother without judgment. They can differ in opinions, have strong convictions while avoiding to convict eachother. Real women can see themselves in eachother. Who they are, and who they may be when born and raised in the exact same circumstances, and environment as the one whose heart meets theirs.

Real women have a growing compassion for eachother as they listen to eachother pouring their hearts out. They learn what it means to navigate the ills of society. What it means to have grief. What it means to have nothing. What it means to have everything. What it means to have everything and yet feel empty. What it means to have next to nothing and feel so much. What it means to have purpose.

Real women combine their passions and talents to give, and forgive. They remember their Divine origins. They give thanks, they release what no longer serves. They give birth to new discoveries and creations. Real women are powerful, and wield this power wisely. Together, real women recognize they can rise above issues, see and address the root of the root of the root.

Real women play by their strengths derived from observing and acknowledging where they are vulnerable. They encourage and empower eachother by laughing & crying together. They have each other’s backs, no matter what.

Real women see in eachother the Divine Feminine Rising, as hearts connect and communicate. Whole heartedly they contribute – individually and collectively – with their own creative expressions. Real women Love and serve All Creation – and so do the real men who Love them 🕉